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Ga. congressman draws Darwin as write-in opponent

Having denounced evolution as a lie "straight from the pit of hell," Republican Rep. Paul Broun has won himself a new political opponent: Charles Darwin. Read more »

Published 1 hour ago


Protests as Ireland's 1st abortion clinic opens

The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland opened Thursday in downtown Belfast, unleashing angry protests on the street and uniting Catholic and Protestant politicians in calls to... Read more »

Published 6 hours ago


Rhetoric heats up as emotions run high in '12 race

Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday compared his rival's policies to a gun pointed at Americans, and the GOP nominee's son said he's tempted to "take a swing" at President Barack Obama as emotions... Read more »

Published 9 hours ago


In Syria, Sunni rebels besiege Shiite villages

Anyone who dares try to slip out of the Shiite villages of Zahraa and Nubl is risking their life. Sunni rebel snipers outside are ready to gun them down. Roads out are blocked with barricades and... Read more »

Published 10 hours ago


SC diocese finally breaks with Episcopal Church

After years of controversy over ordination of gays and other issues, the conservative Diocese of South Carolina has finally split from the national Episcopal Church. Read more »

Published 11 hours ago


Kuwait political rifts widen on path to elections

For years, opposition lawmakers in Kuwait's parliament have been the most aggressive and combative in the Gulf — routinely demanding the prime minister and others face questioning over... Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


Putin opposes the wearing of headscarves at school

President Vladimir Putin spoke out Thursday against the wearing of headscarves in Russian schools in his first public comment on a potentially explosive issue. Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


Pope transfers Vatican official who backed US nuns

Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday transferred to the United States a high-ranking Holy See official who had ruffled feathers at the Vatican by openly seeking to mend its frayed ties with U.S. nuns. Read more »

Published 15 hours ago


Belfast judge: Gay, unmarried couples can adopt

Unmarried and same-sex couples in Northern Ireland should be allowed to adopt children, a Belfast judge ruled Thursday, overturning a 1987 adoption law that discriminated against both groups. Read more »

Published 17 hours ago


Protests as Ireland's 1st abortion clinic opens

The first abortion clinic on the entire island of Ireland opened Thursday in Belfast, sparking protests by conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland. Read more »

Published 18 hours ago


Turkish pianist on trial for insulting Islam

A top Turkish pianist and composer appeared in court on Thursday to defend himself against charges of offending Muslims and insulting Islam in comments he made on Twitter. Read more »

Published 20 hours ago


For Romney and Obama, one-liners are on the menu

The presidential campaign, which has been a spectacle of finger-pointing and recrimination, is oh so briefly taking a sharp detour so President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney can play politics for... Read more »

Published 23 hours ago


Hawaii, New York women to be elevated to sainthood

In life, Mother Marianne Cope was known for her strength and kindness, battling bureaucrats in Hawaii as she led a group of fellow Franciscan nuns to care for leprosy patients in the islands. Read more »

Published yesterday

1 comment

UN Syria envoy calls on government to start truce

The international envoy to the Syrian conflict on Wednesday called on President Bashar Assad's regime to take the lead in a cease-fire during a major Muslim holiday later this month, calling it a... Read more »

Published yesterday


Syria dismisses cease-fire without rebel leaders

The Syrian government on Wednesday said the international envoy's call for a holiday cease-fire would likely fail because the rebels fighting to topple Bashar Assad's regime have no unified... Read more »

Published yesterday


Syria conflict deepens sectarian rifts in Lebanon

This Lebanese border town has become a safe haven for war-weary Syrian rebels, a way station for wounded fighters and home to hundreds of frightened Syrian refugee families. Read more »

Published yesterday


Former Israeli kingmaker poised for comeback

The popular ultra-Orthodox Israeli politician Arieh Deri is preparing a comeback after a 13-year hiatus that included a brief prison term for accepting bribes. Read more »

Published Oct. 16, 2012


Syrian rebels in Aleppo mostly poor, pious, rural

Most of the rebels fighting government forces in the city of Aleppo fit a specific mold: They're poor, religiously conservative and usually come from the underdeveloped countryside nearby. Read more »

Published Oct. 16, 2012


Egypt's top court criticizes draft constitution

Egypt's highest court lashed out Tuesday at an Islamist-led panel tasked with writing the country's new constitution, saying that some of the proposed provisions undercut the court's mandate and... Read more »

Published Oct. 16, 2012


Muslim rebels ink Philippine pact as step to peace

Muslim rebels and the Philippine government overcame decades of bitter hostility and took their first tentative step toward ending one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies with the signing of a... Read more »

Published Oct. 15, 2012


Israeli parliament to schedule new election

Israel officially opened its election season on Monday as parliament prepared to dissolve itself and schedule a vote for January, plunging the country into a vicious, three-month political campaign. Read more »

Published Oct. 15, 2012


Historic mosque burned in ancient Syrian city

A landmark mosque in Aleppo was burned, scarred by bullets and trashed — the latest casualty of Syria's civil war — and President Bashar Assad on Monday ordered immediate repairs to try... Read more »

Published Oct. 15, 2012


Dalai Lama to visit Louisville in May

The Dalai Lama is planning a three-day visit to Louisville next spring with a series of appearances to promote compassion among people of all faiths, officials said Monday. Read more »

Published Oct. 15, 2012


Muslim rebels ink Philippine pact as step to peace

Muslim rebels and the Philippine government overcame decades of bitter hostilities and took their first tentative step toward ending one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies with the ceremonial... Read more »

Published Oct. 15, 2012


200 Muslim rebels arrive to sign Philippine pact

Worn down by decades of fighting and failed peace agreements, about 200 Muslim rebels led by their elusive chief arrived in the Philippine capital for the signing of a preliminary peace pact Monday... Read more »

Published Oct. 14, 2012


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