Administration & Information
Mission: To provide leadership, stimulus, and infrastructure to empower our customers to provide quality services, products and information to their constituents.
      A & I Home

  • Office of the Director
  • Budget
  • Construction Management
  • Economic Analysis
  • General Services
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Professional Licensing Boards
  • Office of the CIO
  • State Library
  • Text Only

    Administration and Information

    Welcome to the State of Wyoming's Department of Administration and Information's website.

    The primary function of the Department of Administration and Information is to provide both long-range and day-to-day services to the Governor and State agencies, which enable the Governor to meet the overall goals of State government, as well as assisting State agencies in meeting their strategic plan goals.

    The Department recently has been called upon to provide an economic stimulus role through its responsibility as one of the largest purchaser of goods and services in the State of Wyoming. The Department is one of the largest purchasers of telecommunications and commercial rental space and is thus, a leader in the economic stimulus role.

    Seven divisions including the office of the Director make up the department. An accounting section is placed within the Director's office to serve all divisions of the department as well as statewide billing for Central Mail, Computer Technology, Copier Program, Telecommunications, Leasing, and MVMS. The department of Administration and Information provides agency level support such as human resources, accounting, housing and budget for the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO reports directly to the Governor.

    Also, the Department supports or operates in conjunction with approximately thirty-one Professional Licensing Boards.


    Economic Analysis

    Construction Management

    General Services

    Human Resources

    Information Technology

    Professional Licensing Boards

    Office of the CIO

    State Library