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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

Sept. 7, 2012 TP12-18


2010 Census

Patterns of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Population Change: 2000 to 2010 — Uses results from the 2010 Census to examine contemporary geographic patterns (and changes since the 2000 Census) for population distribution and density, race, Hispanic origin, and age and sex structure, comparing metropolitan and micropolitan areas collectively and individually. In portions of the report, census tract data are examined to provide neighborhood-level perspective on demographic patterns within individual metro areas. (Scheduled for release Sept. 26.)

Summary Population and Housing Characteristics Reports (CPH-1) — This report series contains tables on age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, households, families, housing tenure and occupancy, population density and area measurements. The lowest level of geography is the place level. There is a report produced for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the United States. The reports are being released on a state-by-state basis. Reports have been released for several states so far and can be found at <http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/index.html>.

Population and Housing Unit Counts Reports (CPH-2) — This report series contains tables providing population and housing unit counts from the 2010 Census and selected historical censuses. Some tables also include area measurements and density. The lowest level of geography is the place level. There is a report produced for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the nation. The reports are being released on a state-by-state basis. Reports have been released for several states so far and can be found at <http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/index.html>.

American Community Survey

American Community Survey: 20112011 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Estimates — Based on survey responses collected over the course of the 2011 calendar year, this product provides data on more than 40 demographic, socioeconomic and housing topics. Among those covered are income, poverty, health insurance, educational attainment, the commute to work, the foreign-born population, language spoken at home, ancestry, occupation, number of vehicles available and housing costs. These estimates will be available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district and all counties, places and metropolitan areas with populations of 65,000 or more. In addition to the statistics available via the American FactFinder data tool, a set of analytical briefs with ACS data will be available on three topics, with additional briefs to be released over the course of the next several months. Prior to the embargo period, the Census Bureau will hold a Web conference providing technical background information. (Webinar scheduled for Sept. 17. News release embargoed Sept. 18 for release Sept. 20.)

ACS Brief: Household Income for States: 2010 and 2011 — Presents data on median household income at the national and state levels.

ACS Brief: Poverty: 2010 and 2011 — Compares poverty rates in 2011 for the nation, states and large metropolitan areas.

ACS Brief: Health Insurance Coverage of Young Adults Aged 19 to 25: 2008, 2009, and 2011 — Compares coverage of adults in that age group before and after the implementation of the part of the new health care law that allows adults under age 26 to be covered on their parents' plan.


Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage: 2011 — On Sept. 12 at 10 a.m. EDT, the Census Bureau will hold a Web news conference to announce findings from the official report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage for the nation based on the Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the 2012 Current Population Survey. The Web conference will consist of a simultaneous audio conference and online presentation.

Health Status, Health Insurance, and Medical Services Utilization: 2010 — A periodic report that examines the relationship between the use of medical services (such as visits to doctors and nights spent in the hospital), health status, health insurance coverage and other demographic and economic characteristics. The statistics come from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. (Scheduled for release Oct. 1.)


2010 Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances — These data sets include information on revenues, expenditures, debt, and cash and security holdings for state and local governments. (Scheduled for release late September.)

Quarterly Survey of Public Pensions: 2nd Quarter 2012 — This quarterly survey (formerly known as the Finances of Selected State and Local Government Employee Retirement Systems Survey) provides national summary statistics on the revenues, expenditures and composition of assets of the 100 largest state and local public employee retirement systems in the United States. These 100 systems comprise 89.4 percent of financial activity among such entities, based on the 2007 Census of Governments. This survey presents the most current statistics about investment decisions by state and local public employee retirement systems, which are among the largest types of institutional investors in the U.S. financial markets. These statistical tables are published three months after each calendar quarter and show national financial transactions and trends for the past five years. For more information, please visit <http://www.census.gov/govs/qpr/>. (Scheduled for release Sept. 27.)

Facts for Features

Halloween (Oct. 31) — This collection of Census Bureau statistics from demographic and economic subject areas focuses on the customs associated with this holiday. (Scheduled for release in September.)



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for September — Upcoming segments include beyond elementary in "First Junior High School" (Sept. 8) and generating the juice in "Hydroelectric Power" (Sept. 30).

The daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>, with download options for MP3 (including podcast subscription) and WAV or zip files for the entire month (MP3).

Recently Released

(Released since Aug. 24, 2012)

2010 Census

Advance Report for Selected Characteristics of the Island Areas — Aug. 30 — The U.S. Census Bureau released the Advance Report for Selected Characteristics for each of the four U.S. Island Areas — American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The report includes information on population characteristics such as sex by age, relationship, school enrollment, educational attainment, sex by marital status, employment status and household income. The report also includes information on housing characteristics such as housing occupancy, housing tenure and year structure built.

The advance reports provide final summary statistics earlier than the scheduled release of the Demographic Profile for each U.S. Island Area in fall 2012. The Demographic Profile reports will include additional population and housing characteristics down to the place level. More detailed statistics will be available in subsequent releases of census products for the U.S. Island Areas. Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/news/press-kits/island-areas/island-areas.html>.

Now Available in Additional Languages: 2010 Census Brief on Asian Population — This 2010 Census brief, which provides a portrait of the Asian population in the United States, is now available in Simplified Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. The brief discusses the population's distribution at the national level and for regions, states, metropolitan statistical areas, counties and places. The brief also discusses the size and growth of detailed Asian groups, such as Asian Indian, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc. The brief contains tables and figures (including maps) that display regional, state, metropolitan, county and place level patterns. An English version of the brief was released on March 21. For more information about the 2010 Census briefs, visit the online press kit.


Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE): 2010 — Aug. 29 — A series of model-based estimates of health insurance coverage for all of the nation's states and counties. These estimates are the only source of single-year estimates of health insurance coverage for every county in the nation. They are produced by combining American Community Survey data with population estimates, administrative records and 2000 Census statistics. These estimates are available by sex, age groups, race (for states only), and Hispanic origin (for states only) and income-to-poverty ratios. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/health_care_insurance/cb12-160.html>.


2012 Census of Governments: New Preliminary Counts of Governments — Aug. 30 --Preliminary counts of local governments will be released as the first component of the 2012 Census of Governments. Conducted every five years, the census of governments provides the only uniform source of statistics for all of the nation's state and local governments. These statistics allow for in-depth trend analysis of all individual governments and provide a complete, comprehensive and authoritative benchmark of state and local government activity. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/governments/cb12-161.html>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for August and September — Profile America segments included the medium meets the message in "First Radio Commercial" (Aug. 28) and reading all about it in &First Newsboy" (Sept. 4). Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 19, 2012