Official Nebraska Government Website

U.S. Drought Monitor NE Rural Response Hotline
Photo of Governor Heineman A message from Governor Dave Heineman:   I welcome you to Drought Central, Nebraska's drought management web resource. From this location you should be able to find answers to your questions about agriculture assistance, human resource information and general drought management tips. This site was built based on questions, comments and concerns voiced by Nebraskans who have contacted us during the past drought situations. It will be updated regularly to accommodate new information. If you can't find it here, or if you want your resource information posted, contact the Nebraska Department of Agriculture at 800.422.6692 or email us at

Agriculture Drought Disaster Program Opportunities
The links found here will give agricultural producers an idea of available federal assistance programs.

Agricultural Assistance Act of 2007
On May 25, 2007, President Bush signed into law the "U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007" (2007 Act).

The 2007 Act provides approximately $3 billion in agricultural disaster aid for America's farmers and ranchers. The aid will cover crop losses, livestock and feed losses, emergency conservation practices and dairy losses.

You are eligible for this new disaster aid if:

For more information on this package of aid, please click here.

Nebraska Platte-Republican Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
In March 2005, Governor Dave Heineman signed an agreement with USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Floyd Gaibler to create the Nebraska Platte-Republican Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). This program pays land owners in a targeted area to place irrigated crop acres into non-irrigated conservation cover under 10- to 15-year contracts. This is the first CREP in the nation designed with a goal of addressing water quantity challenges. For more information on this program, please click here.

Drought Disaster Designations
In response to the drought, Governor Dave Heineman is coordinating with Nebraska Farm Service Agency officials and other appropriate individuals to submit counties to the United States Department of Agriculture for secretarial drought disaster designations. A secretarial disaster designation provides affected producers with access to an emergency low-interest loan program and opens the door to the FSA disaster set-aside program, which allows existing FSA direct loan borrowers to delay payment if they are unable to do so as a result of a disaster. It also provides access to the Small Business Administration disaster loan program for affected businesses, and it provides documentation for the Internal Revenue Service allowing producers to defer income on forced livestock sales due to the disaster. The designation can also be used to determine county eligibility for other disaster FSA programs.

USDA Drought Information
USDA Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance
USDA Top Stories

Livestock Forage and Feeding Resources
The links found below will help you access available information on hay or forage supplies, feedlot options, nonfat dry milk feeding guidelines, and ongoing forage and feed donation programs.

Manitoba Hay Listing
Nebraska Alfalfa Marketing Association
Nebraska's Cattle Feeders
Nebraska Hay & Forage Hotline
Recommendations for utilizing non-fat dry milk in sheep and goat rations. This information was provided by Dr. Ed Huston, a professor of ruminant nutrition with Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
University of Nebraska Extension recommendations for utilizing non-fat dried milk in beef cattle rations.
USDA Farm Service Agency Hay Net

Agriculture Producer Drought Management Resources

IANR Drought Site (Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources)
Internal Revenue Service Agriculture Tax Tips - Sales Caused by Weather-Related Condition
There are specific income tax implications in culling and/or liquidating cattle in a drought year. Producers should contact a tax consultant for advice. For general background, this link will take you to the 2006 Farmer's Tax Guide. Information can be found in Chapter 11, under "Other Involuntary Conversions" and "Postponing Gain."

Grasshopper Management Resources

Grasshopper Control in Yards and Gardens - Scroll down to "Other Pests" section.
Grasshopper Control in Cropland - Scroll down to "Field Crop Insects" section.
Grasshopper Control on Rangeland - Scroll down to "Other Pests" section.

Human Services Resources
The links found below will assist you in finding a variety of personal program opportunities, such as stress counseling, financial counseling, food pantries, and legal services. Some of these services are available at low or no cost to those in need.

Human Service Resources

Charitable Organizations Working on Drought Assistance
A number of charitable groups are working both independently and in groups to provide assistance to Nebraskans dealing with drought.

Community Action of Nebraska
Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska
Orphan Grain Train

Small Business Drought Disaster Information

Small Business Association Disaster Assistance

General Public Drought Management Tips
These links will take you to ideas on how to manage drought through water conservation at home, what to do with your lawn, and other general drought management tips. Also found below is the weekly report from Nebraska's Health and Human Services System on community water restrictions.

Make Every Drop Count On Your Yard
Make Every Drop Count In Your Home
IANR Drought Site
Community Water Restrictions
Conservation Tips

Other Drought Resources and Contacts

Climate Assessment Response Committee Minutes - March 20, 2009
Water Availability and Outlook Report for March 20, 2009
Water Availability and Outlook Report for March 20, 2009 (text version)
Report on USDA Disaster Programming under 2008 Farm Bill
          NAP Program Fact Sheet
          SURE Program Fact Sheet
          Pasture, Range and Forage Pilot Insurance Program Fact Sheet
Climate Assessment Response Committee (CARC)
Contact Your Federal Elected Representatives
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Drought Information Center
National Drought Mitigation Center
National Interagency Fire Center Wildfire Threat
Current Streamflow Conditions

News Announcements

Gov. Heineman Announces Nine Counties Approved for Disaster Assistance

Files in PDF format can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Nebraska Department of Agriculture
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94947
Lincoln, NE 68509-4947

Last updated September 28, 2011
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