U.S. Department of Commerce

Geographical Mobility/Migration

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Data on Geographical Mobility/Migration

Migration data can be found from a variety of sources. These sources are listed below with brief descriptions to help you decide which data source would best suit your needs. Availability of data by time and geography are highlighted in each section.

The links below will take you to the appropriate page for migration data by survey.

American Community Survey (ACS)

The American Community Survey (ACS) is an annual national survey collected monthly which provides communities with reliable and timely demographic, housing, social, and economic data every year.

Annual data on Migration is used to determine the extent of residential mobility of the population for the U.S., states, metropolitan areas, and more specific geographical areas that meet minimum population sizes for the given survey year. Data are available from 2000 to the present.

Current Population Survey (CPS)

The Current Population Survey (CPS) is an annual survey of about 50,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Migration data is collected as part of the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) and includes data on the annual rate of moving, and the characteristics of movers and by type of move. Data on migration are available at the national and regional level from 1947 to the present. Reasons for move were added to the CPS in 1998.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) is a longitudinal panel survey of demographic information, income, labor force characteristics, and program participation in the United States with supplemental topical modules.

The migration history topical module enables us to determine the seasonality of the move and the length of time (duration) at current residence. Migration data are available from 1984 to the present.

Decennial Census

The Decennial Census occurs every 10 years ending in zero, to count the population and housing units for the entire United States. Its primary purpose is to provide the population counts that determine how seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are apportioned.

Migration data are derived from the census long form question on residence 5 years ago at almost any geographical level. Data are available from 1940 to 2000.

The surveys differ in length and detail of the questionnaire, the number of households interviewed, the methodology used to collect and process the data, and migration data produced.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geographical Mobility/Migration |  Last Revised: 2012-06-08T11:46:09.88-04:00