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May 8th, 2009

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

I would not be where I am today without my best friend, my bride of 35 years, the mother of my children – my lovely wife, Paula.

Today marks Military Spouse Appreciation Day. It is so great to see the renewed appreciation that military spouses are getting, with the First Lady’s focus on military families, and with the Army’s commitment to the Army Family Covenant and Community Covenant, which recognize the remarkable commitment and increasing sacrifices our families make every day. I can tell you personally, that Paula has been unbelievably supportive during dozens of moves, deployments, long work hours and many trips that take me away for days on end.�

Paula is one of thousands of men and women who deserve our appreciation today, and every day.  The fact that they are Family Strong, makes it possible for those of us in uniform to be Army Strong.

And here at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers specifically, we have many employees who are military spouses, as well as many husbands and wives of civilians who experience first hand the challenges of military life, as so many of our civilians have deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan in support of the rebuilding efforts.�

So I would just like to say thank you to the unsung heroes of our military – the spouses – who truly are deserving of our admiration today and every day.�

I know this is a subject near and dear to many of your hearts, and many of you will likely want to post a comment. Unfortunately, our ‘comments’ link is currently broken – but my IT gurus assure me that a fix is in the works, so please check back, because I would love to hear what you have to say.

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