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Spring 2012


Teach the basics with this superb little book

Blogs connect technology, economics, literacy

Movie clips can illustrate FUNdamentals

Hold a PE (physical economics) class

Using fiction and humor to teach middle schoolers

Introducing middle school students to global linkages

History, literature, and economics

Upcoming Classroom Economist makes sense of unemployment metrics

Ready-made current events for the economics classroom

I want to study economics, but what do economists do?

Health care employment: The prognosis is good

Lords of Finance: History, economics, and finance


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Teach the basics with the imaginative Little Book of Economics
3/29/12–An excellent nonfiction book to supplement your textbooks, The Little Book explains basic macroeconomic, finance, and globalization concepts. Read a concise review and get access to guided discussion questions in the March 2012 issue of Extra Credit.
Welcome to the blogosphere: Connecting technology, economics, and literacy skills
3/29/12–Teachers can find a treasure trove of economic resources in blogs, for use in teaching economic basics. Extra Credit offers a list of established blogs as well as tips for teachers to help students and classes start their own.
Battling dads illustrate supply and demand? Using movie clips in the economics classroom
3/29/12–The latest issue of Extra Credit discusses how clips from popular movies can extend learning beyond the textbook and help teachers reinforce some basic economics concepts.
"Physical economics": Get students moving while they learn economics
3/29/12–Childhood obesity is reaching epidemic proportions. Extra Credit offers tips for incorporating physical activity in your economics lessons.
Using humor and fiction to teach market basics to middle schoolers
2/14/12–Gary Paulsen's book Lawn Boy is a zany adventure about an enterprising boy looking for a way to make some cash. According to the latest issue of Extra Credit, this book is also an excellent tool for teaching your middle schoolers basic market terms.
Selling Korean tractors in Italy: Introducing middle school students to global linkages
2/14/12–Middle schoolers sometimes complain that the subject of economics doesn't relate to them. How can you get their interest? Start with a concrete story about how globalization touches them directly. Could they end up selling Caterpillars in Croatia? Medicine in Macedonia? Read more in Extra Credit.
History, literature, and economics in the middle school classroom
2/14/12–Reading the apartheid-era Journey to Jo'burg will help your middle school students learn about human capital, especially how apartheid affected the development of human capital. Extra Credit suggests this book and others for the middle school classroom.
Upcoming Classroom Economist: Making sense of unemployment metrics
2/14/12–Unemployment, most frequently used to measure the health of the economy, is a cornerstone in the study of macroeconomics. But can students make sense of the way it is measured and recorded? Coming in first-quarter 2012, the Classroom Economist will explain.
Ready-made current events for the economics classroom
1/24/12–EconSouth, the Atlanta Fed's quarterly economic and business magazine, is a treasure trove of current economic events. Extra Credit reviews some of these stories and offers accompanying discussion questions to help economic educators link core economic concepts to the real world.
I want to study economics, but what do economists do?
1/24/12–Help your economics-loving students learn what they can do with an economics major. This Extra Credit article considers colleges offering degrees in economics as well as the many career paths available to those with an economics degree.

Video logoInterview with Nobel Laureate Christopher Sims: What do economists do?
Health care employment: The prognosis is good
1/24/12–In an economy still struggling to regain jobs, the health care sector has added jobs every month since July 2003, even during the 2007–09 recession. Where are the industry's greatest needs? Extra Credit summarizes and updates a third-quarter 2011 EconSouth story.
Lords of Finance: History, economics, and finance
1/24/12–In 2010, Fed Chairman Bernanke mentioned the Pulitzer Prize-winning Lords of Finance as a resource for helping people understand the recent financial crisis. Extra Credit reviews this important book, which chronicles the Great Depression, and offers questions to facilitate classroom discussion.