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Fall 2012


Middle School Confidential: Talking about Personal Finance

Bits, Bytes, and Bauds: Interactive Whiteboard Lessons

Not Your Mother's Videotex: Online Banking Takes Off

Checkbook Plus: Resources for Teaching Banking Basics

Katrina's Classroom Seven Years Later

A Book, the Global Crisis, and Personal Finance

Project-Based Learning for Emergency Preparation Class

Reducing Payments Fraud

Animated Video Series a New Teaching Tool

Fall's Classroom Economist Talks Central Banking History


Lessons & Activities

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What Kids Say about Personal Finance
10/5/12–Teachers, do you ever wonder if you're getting through? Some middle schoolers talk to Extra Credit about what they're learning in personal finance.
Getting SMART about Economics: Bringing Whiteboard Lessons to Your Classroom
10/5/12–Today's youth—so-called digital natives—have lived lives of "bits, bytes, and bauds." Extra Credit offers tips for teachers how to engage these students with interactive whiteboards. The article includes links to lessons to use with the whiteboards.
Not Your Mother's Videotex: High-Tech Banking Takes Off
10/5/12–Internet banking has become more popular than banking in the neighborhood branch. Extra Credit sums up the history and functions of high-tech banking, so you can take it to your classroom.
More Than a Checkbook: Classroom Resources for Personal Finance and Banking
10/5/12–The Federal Reserve System offers a wealth of resources for teachers of economics and personal finance. Extra Credit rounds some up.
Hurricane Katrina: Still Teaching Valuable Lessons Seven Years Later
8/29/12–"Save for a rainy day." That overarching lesson from the Atlanta Fed's four-part curriculum, based on the real-life experiences of four families in an emergency, is still relevant. Extra Credit brings you up to date on one of the featured families.
Boomerang in the Classroom: Lessons in Personal Finance from the Global Crisis
8/29/12–The global finance lessons of Michael Lewis's book Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World also ring true for personal finance. Extra Credit offers some suggestions for using this book to supplement your curriculum.
Using Project-Based Learning to Teach Emergency Preparation
8/29/12–Extra Credit describes a project-based method for teaching students of personal finance that emergency preparedness means more than having an escape route.
Using Technology to Reduce Payment Card Fraud
8/29/12–The United States is experiencing a growth of fraud with credit and debit cards. Extra Credit summarizes an Atlanta Fed research paper on the technology that could help this country do a better job of fighting payment card fraud.
Atlanta Fed Adds another Tool to Teachers' Toolkit
8/29/12–The Atlanta Fed launched an animated video series last April with a primer on inflation. The second installment looked at gross domestic product. Extra Credit notes that the videos' engaging graphics and straightforward examples are an excellent tool for teaching these basic economic concepts.
The Classroom Economist Explains the Federal Reserve
8/29/12–This fall will see the release of the seventh edition of the Classroom Economist. Extra Credit describes this edition's content, which goes into the history of central banking in the United States.