Home >> Iraq, Partnership >> Thinking Big in Iraq
March 9th, 2010

Thinking Big in Iraq

I talk a lot about the partnerships we have in this business, and there are many that make all the difference to our nation’s infrastructure. But I just got wind of a story that you have to hear – it’s about how our partnership with a company in Norfolk, VA is making all the difference for some future Olympians (perhaps?) near Kirkuk, Iraq.

Check out this story from WAVY-TV 10 in Norfolk:


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  1. COL John McClellan
    | #1

    Sir, Hooah! I’m headed in that direction soon, will be up in the North with a BCT (AAB) as an Advisor to a Provinical PRT. Would love contact info on the officer in the story and any/all USACE assets in the former MND-N. Essayons! John McClellan, COL, EN

  2. Anna Howell
    | #2

    Hello Chief, I am a faculty member at Greater Atlanta Christian School and I sponsor a club called “Engineer Girls.” They are a wonderful and talented group of middle school girls who meet once a week to explore their interest in the field of engineering by doing engineering activities, planning field trips, etc. Today, we are exploring the US ACE web site, reviewing articles and commenting on your blog. Thank you for connecting with the US public in this way, and thank you for giving us a forum to connect with you. More important, thank you kindly for your service to our country, and the Corps unselfish service to those children in Iraq.

  3. Kaitlin
    | #3

    Hey, my name is Kaitlin, I go to Greater Atlanta Christian School. For an engineer club, we were supposed to comment on this blog. I liked the idea of helping the kids that were effected by the war. It helps them have a place to play and hang out, especially since the war is raging outside, this gives them a place to forget. I think this is just as important as fighting inside the war of Iraq. I like that you took the time out of your day to help these kids. Thanks again!

  4. Vivienne from Greater Atlanta Christian (Georgia)
    | #4

    Hi! I am so proud that I can live in a country where such brave people volunteer to serve in the army. Coming from a christian school I think that doing this service project is a wonderful thing to do. I hope you come back very soon.
    Please Reply,

  5. Rebecca
    | #5

    Hi, I’m Rebecca and I too go to Greater Atlanta Christian. I’m in the Engineer girls club and we were reading your blog. I think it is so great for you to take the time to help kids. I do think you’re right that these kids could one day become Olympic athletes. Thank you so much I know they appreciate it.

  6. Shamal Karim
    | #6

    Keep up the good work. Good bless America and USACE. You guys are always welcome in Kurdistan. Kurds will never forget your sacrifices.

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