Smithsonian National Postal Museum

Smithsonian National Postal Museum We're broadcasting live interviews former Railway Post Office clerks Don Bliss, Greg Lowell, and Gerald Lange:

Smithsonian On UStream.TV @ USTREAM: We are the Nation's Attic, as well as the Nation's Variety Show. With 19 museums, you never know what we'll cover next...

Jeff Great site, thanks!!

Smithsonian National Postal Museum

Smithsonian National Postal Museum We're interviewing Railway Post Office clerks live! They rode the rails sorting and delivering mail and today they're sharing their fascinating stories. See the interviews live from noon to 6 p.m. eastern.

Smithsonian On UStream.TV @ USTREAM: We are the Nation's Attic, as well as the Nation's Variety Show. With 19 museums, you never know what we'll cover next...
2 hours ago
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
They rode the rails sorting and transporting the mail and now they're live online telling their stories! We'll be broadcasting RPO clerk interviews from around noon until 6 p.m. Eastern time. Feel free to drop in and catch some of their fascinating stories...
Cindy Waldman Rich

Cindy Waldman Rich How can we learn more about Railway Post Office Clerk reunions or events? My father is 66 and was a railway clerk in Illinois.

Yesterday at 6:57pm · Report
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Hi Cindy. Thanks for the message! Please contact curator Nancy Pope and she'll fill you in on RPO events.
3 hours ago
Ahmed Abbas Maswood

Ahmed Abbas Maswood Hello Fans of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum !
Warm greetings from Abbas !

Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Cast your vote! Voters are automatically entered in a drawing to win a copy of Dirk Wale's new book, The Further Adventures of a Lucky Dog: Owney, US Rail Mail Mascot. The winner will be announced on Friday, August 7, 2009...
July 29 at 1:01pm
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Just got two e-mail votes at Thanks, Frank and Kathleen, for your votes for Owney!
July 31 at 5:51am
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Patricia B. cast her vote at "Bo Obama has to be the "coolest" dog ever! He's active, playful, charming and witty! Seeing Bo romp on the White House grounds is really poetry in motion."
July 31 at 7:38am
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
With 146 votes cast, the 1 cent green Yosemite stamp won today's "Most Gorgeous Stamp of the Great Depression" contest! Six absentee ballots were cast (via Facebook comments) and 140 votes were collected at the polling station (in the museum during today's public program)...
July 24 at 1:40pm
Deservedly so too--Yosemite rocks!
July 24 at 8:01pm
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
FDR chose stamp designs and colors that conveyed hopeful messages during the Great Depression. During this dark time, the stamps really sparkled...
July 24 at 5:44am
The Byrd expedition stamp and if I vote again, the World's Fair Stamp.
July 24 at 6:58am
Love the World's Fair stamp but my heart belongs to Yosemite....(and the stamp...)
July 24 at 8:49am
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Four performances today celebrate African drumming, animals, stamps, and storytelling! "Artful Animals" is a family-friendly exhibit that recently opened at the National Museum of African Art on the National Mall...
July 23 at 7:06am
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
One gnu for you, Yvonne. Perhaps you'd also like a Dugn'be?
July 23 at 10:15am
Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Get to know the Stamp Collector in Chief
Stamps may be small but they carry powerful messages. Discover how "stamp collector in chief" President Franklin D. Roosevelt used stamp designs to deliver a message of hope t...
Host:Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Time:1:00PM Friday, July 24th
Location:Smithsonian National Postal Museum