
Barbara Lee Introduces Legislation to Support People Living With MS and Their Caregivers

For immediate Release
September 24, 2010

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225- 2661

Washington, DC – Today, Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced the Adult Day Achievement Center Enhancement Act (H.R. 6208), legislation that is designed to provide support to people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and their caregivers.

People living with MS, and their caregivers, often need help to address the many issues that arise out of their condition. Because people with MS can be diagnosed relatively early in life (between ages 20-50), they often need home based care/nursing home services at a younger age than other elderly populations.  As a result they have different social and disability related needs that often are not addressed by traditional Adult Day programs. Generally, adult day programs are helpful in relieving the strain on family caregivers by providing both in home services, and facility based services to meet the health, social, and logistical needs of people with disabilities.

This legislation would establish a new grant program within the Administration on Aging that is specifically designed to support adult day programs that target people living with multiple sclerosis and similar diseases - and that accommodate the needs of a younger population. The bill would initially require a survey of all such existing programs (including those targeting people with MS or similar diseases) to determine the right mix of services and a set of best practices which can then be implemented and scaled up on a broader level. The bill is supported by the National MS Society.

“This legislation will provide much needed assistance to thousands of families around this nation who are dealing with this disease. My family has also been touched by this disease. My wonderful sister Mildred taught me what it’s like to live with multiple sclerosis and our family is very familiar with the struggles that go along with accessing adult day care. This legislation is an important step towards giving people living with MS and their caregivers greater support and independence.”

"Providing meaningful and engaging activities for those living with MS and other chronic disease during the day while their caregivers are away is critical to keeping them engaged in their community.  It also provides family caregivers the time they need to pursue employment or provide respite.  We thank Rep. Barbara Lee for taking the lead on this important legislation and look forward to working on it with her to help do something now for those living with MS."  Joyce Nelson, President and CEO, National MS Society.
