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Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Philadelphia Fed RSS Feeds

Our Feeds
What's New (all releases)
Newsroom (top news, media advisories, events)
Research Releases
Business Review*
Regional Economy
Working Papers*
* RSS-CB format

What is RSS?

RSS, an abbreviation for really simple syndication, allows websites to release timely information, such as news releases, to its users, customers, or clients, eliminating the need for them to repeatedly visit the site to see the new information.

An RSS "feed" is a way for content owners to provide updated content to users. The Philadelphia Fed currently has several feeds to address audience-specific needs.

What is RSS-CB?

RSS-CB External Link (RSS for central banks) is an extension of RSS. RSS is oriented to human users and simple syndication. RSS-CB is also oriented to machine and application users that need structured information to filter, for example, selected research content for intranets or to pull in monetary policy announcements from key markets.

How can I use these feeds?

You can use our feeds by subscribing to them using an RSS reader (also called an "aggregator"). Some popular web-based "aggregators" include Bloglines External Link, MyYahoo! External Link, and NewsGator External Link. With these services you can manage multiple feeds within a single, convenient interface.

Click on the RSS icon next to any item shown above and then copy the Web "address" or URL of that page and plug it into your reader/aggregator. Whenever a new item is added to one of our feeds, it is automatically sent, or "pushed," to your browser or reader.

What are the advantages of RSS?

RSS is an easy way to manage your information by keeping track of the recent news and research available on the Philadelphia Fed website. By using RSS you can automatically be notified as soon as certain topics are updated.

readers & Aggregators


Please contact us E-mail if you have questions about the RSS feeds on this website.

Also refer to our privacy policy for more information on the use of this website.