Posts tagged: Richburg

Are You at Risk from Wildfire?

Richburg, S.C. - Fire scientists at the IBHS Research Center recreate an ember storm in the lab's large test chamber. This facility is the first in the world capable of subjecting full-scale buildings to realistic wildfire conditions. (Photo: 2011 Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety)

Richburg, S.C. - Fire scientists at the IBHS Research Center recreate an ember storm in the lab's large test chamber. This facility is the first in the world capable of subjecting full-scale buildings to realistic wildfire conditions. (Photo courtesy of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.)

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio.

On March 24, Forest Service scientist Jack Cohen served as a technical expert for the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety’s Wildfire Demonstration Day in Richburg, South Carolina.  This demonstration aimed to highlight home ignition risks and ways to protect property in wildfire prone areas, especially in the wildland-urban interface.  Jack’s research on the Structure Ignition Assessment Model served as the basis for this demonstration.   Read more »