Data-Lovers Rejoice: More Farmers Market Geocodes Available

A map plotting the updated locations of U.S. Farmers Markets.  Geocode data is now available for over 6,200 markets.

A map plotting the updated locations of U.S. Farmers Markets. Geocode data is now available for over 6,200 markets.

With nearly 2 million page views in 2011 alone, the USDA National Farmers Market Directory is one of the Department of Agriculture’s most popular consumer search engines. Over 7,200 farmers markets across the country have voluntarily listed themselves in the USDA Farmers Market Directory.  The USDA Farmers Market Directory is  searchable by zip code, product availability, payment method and even if the market participates in federal nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), Women, Infant and Children (WIC) , WIC Cash Value Vouchers (WIC CVV) and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs (SFMNP).

But wait, there’s more!  As part of the USDA’s continued commitment to the principles of open government, and the remarkable response the USDA had when we released geocodes from the 2010 USDA Farmers Market Directory,  an enhanced set of geocodes from the 2011 USDA National Farmers Market Directory is  now available via This Excel file shows street addresses and geocodes for over 6,200 markets in the US.  That’s a 33 percent increase of geocodes available over last year.

We’ve built a new map based on the 2011 USDA Farmers Market Directory geocodes.  What will you build?

One Response to “Data-Lovers Rejoice: More Farmers Market Geocodes Available”

  1. Cornelia Sieber-Davis says:

    I searched for the markets i run in Lake County, California and there are several corrections that need to be made. How can I do this?

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