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Community Development


Discussion Papers
This series addresses emerging and critical issues in community development. Our goal is to provide information on topics that will be useful to the many actors involved in community development—governments, nonprofits, financial institutions, and beneficiaries.

The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S.
This report profiles sixteen communities and reveals the dynamics affecting people living in poverty and the policies that will be needed to bring poor people and poor communities into the economic mainstream.

Facing the Risk of Foreclosure pdf document
This brochure provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions on foreclosure prevention. Español pdf document

Partners in Community and Economic Development
The Community Affairs section publishes a newsletter three times a year that features articles addressing community development trends, issues, and events. The free publication is distributed to over 6,500 community development professionals and is now available on the Internet.

Community Reinvestment: Does Your Bank Measure Up?
This brochure provides summary information on the Community Reinvestment Act, a law designed to ensure that financial institutions help meet the credit needs of all their communities, including low- and moderate-income areas, consistent with safe and sound banking practices.

Community Affairs in the Federal Reserve System pdf document
This brochure provides an overview of the Federal Reserve System's Community Affairs program.

A Guide to Business Credit for Women, Minorities, and Small Businesses
Una Guía de Crédito Comercial para las Mujeres, las Minorías, y Pequeñas Empresas
Financing is a critical and perennial concern for the owners of small businesses. Entrepreneurs may not realize that applying for commercial credit is a more customized process than obtaining consumer credit and requires a great deal of preparation. This brochure helps demystify the process and may improve your chances of getting the credit you need.

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