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Green toner cartridges can be recycled reducing waste Green hoses utilize new materials lasting longer

Included in this program area are links to, and highlights from programs which enable agencies to meet these goals include: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP), Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG), ENERGY STAR®, the Green Procurement Program (GPP), and the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP).

Both Executive Order (EO) 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, dated 24 January 2007 and EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, dated 5 October 2009 include goals and objectives applicable to the transportation sector. Note that EO 13514 builds upon and, in some cases, adds to or amends EO 13423. The goals, objectives, and sustainable practices outlined in both EOs must be met.

Both EO 13423, Section 2(d) and EO 13514, Section 2(h) support the agency acquisition of goods and services through the use of sustainable environmental practices, including acquisition of biobased, environmentally preferable, energy-efficient, water-efficient, and recycled-content products. EO 13514 further mandates that 95 percent of new contract actions, including task and delivery orders, for products and services with the exception of acquisition of weapon systems, meet the requirement for use of sustainable environmental practices. EO 13514 also includes products which are non-ozone depleting or are non-toxic or less toxic alternatives where such products and services meet agency performance requirements.

Both EOs also specifically require that agencies acquire paper of at least 30 percent post-consumer fiber content. EO 13514 further stipulates that uncoated printing and writing paper be used. EO 13514 also specifically requires that there be procurement preference for EPEAT-registered electronic products and that, for electronic equipment, Energy Star and FEMP designated electronic equipment be procured.

Jointly the EOs mandate there is a reduction or elimination of acquisition and use of toxic chemical and an increase of the use of acceptable alternative chemicals and processes in keeping with the agency's procurement policies.

EO 13423 Section 9 and EO 13514, Section 19 provide the following definitions applicable to this Program Area.

  • Agency - an executive agency as defined in section 105 of title 5, United States Code, excluding the Government Accountability Office (EO 13514, Section 19(b)).

  • Life-Cycle Cost-Effective - the life-cycle costs of a product, project, or measure are estimated to be equal to or less than the base case (i.e., current or standard practice or product)/ (EO 13423, Section 9).

  • Sustainability and Sustainable - to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans (EO 13423, Section 9 and EO 13514, Section 19(l)).

Please use the links below to quickly jump to the information area needed or scroll down to view all items.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy
Executive Orders
Federal Acquisition and Community Right-to-Know
8 Aug 1995 and revoked by EO 13148
This EO requires Federal agencies, to the greatest extent practicable, to contract for supplies and services with companies that report publicly on the toxic chemicals they release into the environment.
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management
24 January 2007
Executive Order 13423 "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", signed by President Bush on January 24, 2007. The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices.
Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance
5 October 2009
This EO sets sustainability goals for Federal agencies and focuses on making improvements in their environmental, energy and economic performance. The Executive Order requires Federal agencies to set a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target within 90 days; increase energy efficiency; reduce fleet petroleum consumption; conserve water; reduce waste; support sustainable communities; and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies.
Laws, Regulations, and Agreements
This final rule, effective 27 November 2009, adds nine sections to designate items within which biobased products will be afforded Federal procurement preference. The sections are: chain and cable lubricants; corrosion preventatives; food cleaners; forming lubricants; gear lubricants; general purpose household cleaners; industrial cleaners; multipurpose cleaners; and parts wash solutions.
EPA's Web site for the Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)-- a key component of the government's "buy-recycled" program.
Subchapter D, Part 23 details the affirmative procurement program requirements and Part 52 addresses the required affirmative procurement contract clauses.
The EPA Acquisition Regulation (EPAAR) establishes policy and procedures for acquiring environmentally preferable meeting and conference services.
A part of the Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings MOU, paragraph III of this January 2006 document requires that Federal facilities employ strategies that in aggregate use a minimum of 20 percent less potable water than the indoor water use baseline calculated for the building, after meeting the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture performance requirements. For outdoor water use it promotes the use of water efficient landscape and irrigation strategies, including water reuse and recycling, to reduce outdoor potable water consumption by a minimum of 50 percent over that consumed by conventional means (plant species and plant densities).
This memorandum, jointly issued by OMB and CEQ, encourages all agencies to promote the use of Energy Savings and Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESCs).
The goal of this memorandum is to ensure that executive departments and agencies effectively execute Federal procurement requirements for biobased products, including those requirements identified in Executive Order 13514 and prescribed in the 2002 Farm Bill, as amended by the 2008 Farm Bill. Dated 21 February 2012, the memorandum directs agencies to take multiple steps to significantly increase Federal procurement of biobased and other sustainable products.
RCRA Section 6002 requires each procuring agency to establish an affirmative procurement program for maximizing its purchases of EPA-designated items.
NSF 140 was designed to establish a system with varying levels of certification to define sustainable carpet. This establishes performance requirements for public health and environment, and addresses the triple bottom line - economic-environmental-social, throughout the supply chain.
This document, dated 20 December 2011, details best practices for meeting the OMB scorecard action item to review at least five percent of applicable contract actions for compliance with the statutory and executive order green purchasing requirements. It was developed in consultation with and as recommended by the interagency Sustainable Acquisition and Materials Management Practices Workgroup (SAMM) to assist agencies with meeting the OMB scorecard action item.
When using the government credit card focus on buying products with recycled content, buying products with reduced packaging; looking for the Energy Star label; asking if the product contains hazardous materials or toxic chemicals; and looking for other information on the environmental features of products
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 and the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 require Federal agencies to establish affirmative procurement programs for purchasing EPA- and USDA-designated recycled content and biobased products, respectively. One required element of these programs is annual review and monitoring of the program (i.e., compliance monitoring) This document identifies compliance monitoring options already in use within the Federal government. These options are provided solely as examples.
This document, dated 20 December 2011, provides questions and answers (Q&A) related to the review of contract actions for compliance with green products requirements.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and GSA have worked collaboratively to create this document, which proposes specific food, nutrition, and sustainability guidelines to complement the GSA procurement guidelines. The goal of these guidelines is to assist contractors in maximizing a healthier and more sustainable food service by increasing the offering of healthier and sustainable food and beverage choices, while eliminating industrially produced trans fats, decreasing the sodium content in available foods, and allowing people to make informed choices about what they are purchasing and eating through the labeling of menu items.
This document provides guidance for federal agencies that choose to include the purchase of Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) registered products as part of a strategy for achieving the toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials reduction goals of Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management." Use of this guidance is not required for any federal agency or facility.
In accordance with Section 4(b) of Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", implementing instructions have been issued to Federal agencies to provide detail and direction to agencies as the work to fulfill the goals and requirement of the Executive Order. Section 8 of these instructions are specific to pollution prevention. These instructions are dated March 29, 2007.
Guidance provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on labeling and advertising claims for "greenness."
Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
EPA's CPG Supplier Database is a searchable database of vendors who sell or distribute CPG-designated products with recycled content.
This database will help you buy greener products and services by linking you to: contract language, specifications, and policies created and used by federal and state governments and others to buy environmentally preferable products and services; environmental standards and guidelines for over 600 products and services; and other useful sources of information on the environmental preferability of products and services (e.g., EPP Updates, guidance documents, fact sheets, EPP case studies, and miscellaneous information useful to government purchasers).
The Paper Calculator shows the environmental impacts of different papers across their full lifecycle.
These calculators allow users to enter their own input values (e.g., utility rates, hours of use, etc.) to estimate the energy cost savings from buying a more efficient product. Calculators are available for, but not limited to: compact fluorescent lamps, commercial unitary air conditioners, air cooled chillers, water-cooled chillers, commercial heat pumps, boilers, refrigerators, freezers, beverage vending machines, computers, monitors, faxes, printers, copiers, faucet/showerheads, toilet/urinals, central air conditioners, gas furnaces, electric/gas water heaters, clothes washers, and dish washers.
The Green Cleaning P2 Calculator quantifies the projected environmental benefits of purchasing and using "green" janitorial services and products. It is designed to forecast the environmental benefits of reducing chemical use by doing some or all pollution prevention measures typically involved in the routine interior cleaning of an office building. This tool also enables users to identify which green cleaning measures will have the greatest impact in reducing their use of hazardous chemicals and in preventing pollution.
Developed by GSA, the GPC is a publicly available, web-based resource that allows users to identify applicable environmental programs, such as Energy Star and WaterSense, by product type and category. It serves as a centralized resource that supports compliance with federal green purchasing requirements and the achievement of agency sustainable acquisition goals. The GPC allows users to search by keyword or browse by product category to easily identify which products have environmental requirements, as well as information on the applicable environmental programs, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements, and federal purchasing options for the products they intend to buy.
The EPA Greener Products portal is designed to help the user navigate the increasingly important and complex world of greener products. It allows users to search for EPA programs related to greener products based on the type of user and their specific product interests. It also links to additional greener products information from EPA and other sources.
This is the customer interface to the Federal Disposal System (FEDS). GSAXcess® provides agencies a means of electronically reporting excess personal property to GSA. By using GSAXcess®, customers seeking property can avoid the cost of new procurements by acquiring the same or like items that have been reported as excess by another federal activity. Agencies may search GSA's worldwide inventory through a process known as screening and may request property for transfer by selecting specific items. The property system is available to three groups of users: Federal agencies; Authorized nonfederal recipients; and Surplus customers.
A quick reference to web-based information on purchasing green products and services. It provides information on vendors that sell green products and services throughout the Northeast region, steps to developing a green purchasing program, as well as purchasing self-assessment tools, tools for quantifying the impact of a green purchasing program and other related resources.
PIE helps the user by giving an objective assessment of the degree to which the user's organization's purchases are having an environmental impact. Users enter data on their annual purchasing, using their own purchasing categories. The tool enables users to match their purchasing categories to those in its database for which life cycle assessment (LCA) data are available. It then enables users to calculate and graphically visualize how much impact is associated with each of their purchasing categories, for a given category of environmental impact.
EPA created this tool to help companies and individuals estimate life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy impacts from purchasing and/or manufacturing materials with varying degrees of post-consumer recycled content. Emission estimates provided by the ReCon Tool are intended to support voluntary GHG measurement and reporting initiatives, as well as such initiatives as EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) Program. ReCon is available both as a web-based calculator and as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (82 kb WinZip archive).
An online directory for green building products. SCS is a third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services, and standards. Currently certified products include office furniture systems, components, and seating, building materials, carpet and rug, hard surface flooring, paints, finishes, wood products, and cleaning products, among others.
TCDB provides technology cost estimates for companies, utilities, policy makers, consumers, and academics, and can be used to benchmark company costs, model energy scenarios, and inform research and development decisions. The database makes it much easier to view the range of estimates for what energy technologies, such as a utility-scale wind farm, rooftop solar installation, biofuel production plant, or an electric vehicle, might cost today or in the future.
Offers a wealth of technical assistance information for organizations interested in learning about EPP. Available to download in PDF format, each Update focuses on a specific purchasing issue, highlights an EPP Pioneer, provides brief case studies, and other useful resources.
The Federal Product Procurement Working Group issues a bi-monthly update to help Federal procurement officials, facility managers, and others remain up-to-date on events, training, technology, and changes to acquisition requirements. The first issue was distributed September 2011.
GSA Advantage Green Aisle offers thousands of products and services to meet your environmental purchasing goals. This Environmental page is designed to give you easy access to the wide variety of environmental products and services offered by GSA.
This site provide access to a number of GSAs "green" catalogs and procurement processes.
This USDA catalog represents an exhaustive list of identified and commercially available biobased products. They differ from the items listed in the Online BioPreferredSM Products Catalog in that USDA does not make any claims to the accuracy of information provided about products found on this page.
This page is designed to give you easy access to the wide variety of environmental products and services offered by GSA.
The American Coatings Association offers information on how paints and coatings can help preserve infrastructure and products, thereby extending their lifecycle.
This Federal program aims to increase the purchase and use of renewable, environmentally friendly biobased products while providing "green" jobs and new markets for farmers, manufacturers, and vendors. The BioPreferred program offers three major benefits: Climate Change Impact Reduction, Energy/Environmental Security, and Economic Development. There is easy access to a current list of biopreferred items designations.
BIFMA is a non-profit organization that develops voluntary product and industry standards to support safe, healthy, and sustainable environments. The association publishes key industry statistics and collaborates with legislative or regulatory bodies on issues that have a direct impact on the industry. Specifically, this organization has developed a Furniture Sustainability Standard and third party certification program known as "level" (http://levelcertified.org). The organization has also issued standards for measuring VOC emissions, with requirements for Formaldehyde, TVOC and other VOC emissions of Low-emitting Office Furniture Systems and Seating.
The Carpet and Rug Institute is the first and only American National Standard Institute (ANSI)-accredited green carpet program in the United States. The institute provides information and resources related to "greening" all aspects of carpet manufacture, procurement, installation, and maintenance.
The Center helps Americans consume responsibly to protect the environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice. It is a coalition of educational organizations, environmental organizations, citizen groups, the National Resources Defense Council, Consumer Federation of America, the Public Utility Law Project, and the Environmental Protection Agency. It addresses issues such as institutional purchasing, development of more sustainable products, living sustainably, and buying wisely.
Sponsored by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), the Commit to Efficiency campaign allows those involved in Federal purchases to commit to buying energy-efficient products. This effort is implemented by 1. Taking a pledge; 2. Buying and specifying energy-efficient for every purchase; and 3. Spreading the word.
Updated November 2008, this document outlines the Department of Defense's Green Procurement Program strategy.
This document consolidates responses to a request for information from Federal agencies about how they monitored their green purchasing programs. This guidance reflects the best practices of multiple agencies engaged in monitoring their green purchasing programs. The monitoring approaches detailed in this document are based on compliance monitoring programs in use by Federal agencies. These options are provided as guidance only and should not be construed as a directive from OFEE or the Office of Federal Procurement Policy that these are the only alternatives for monitoring compliance with the statutory and Executive Order 13423 green purchasing requirements.
Provides links to the Green Purchasing programs and policies for individual Federal agencies.
This brief guide for vendors will: facilitate their access to increased federal government procurement opportunities; enhance their ability to compete at the prime and subcontract levels; promote their knowledge of new government contracting initiatives (e-Buy and Sub-Net); and make it easier for them to conduct business with the federal government.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) supports Federal agencies in identifying energy- and water-efficient products that meet Federal acquisition requirements, conserve energy, save taxpayer dollars, and reduce environmental impacts. This is achieved through technical assistance, guidance, and efficiency requirements for energy-efficient, water-efficient, and low standby power products.
This organization was created by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) to bring together experts and practitioners to develop, disseminate and promote information and resources for and about policy development, environmentally preferable products, and social and economic responsibility in public procurement.
This is a voluntary EPA program that supports the organizational procurement of green power by offering expert advice, technical support, tools and resources.
The mission of the Green Press Initiative is to work with book and newspaper industry stakeholders to conserve natural resources, preserve endangered forests, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize impacts on indigenous communities. GPI is funded primarily through grant foundations.
The mission of this organization is to improve public health and quality of life through programs that improve indoor air. As part of that, they operate a product certification program for low emitting interior building materials, furnishings, and finish systems. All GREENGUARD Certified Products have been tested for their chemical emissions performance and can be found in the GREENGUARD Online Product Guide.
This site helps government customers meet buying green requirements when procuring products, services, and vehicles.
GSA's CPES BPA helps agencies achieve their energy, greenhouse gas, and water conservation goals using a streamlined acquisition process.
The mission of the IGPN is to: globally promote the spread of environmentally friendly product and service development and Green Purchasing activities; share information and know-how internationally on Green Purchasing and environmentally friendly products and services; and harmonize the efforts of Green Purchasing and the development of environmentally friendly products and services from a global viewpoint
A nonprofit organization committed to promoting and communicating the benefits and advantages of waterless printing to printers and their suppliers, but most importantly to the print-buying community at large.
A national non-profit membership-based organization located in Boston, Massachusetts. PSI works with state and local government agencies to partner with manufacturers, retailers, environmental groups, federal agencies, and other key stakeholders to reduce the health and environmental impacts of consumer products. They sponsor a conference call series addressing many aspects of product stewardship.
The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) is a member-based network of procurement stakeholders dedicated to improving human health and the environment through best practices, superior products, improved supply, purchasing tools, market education, and peer networking.
Founded in 1984, SCS is a third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services, and standards. Their goal is to recognize the highest levels of performance in food safety and quality, environmental protection and social responsibility in the private and public sectors, and to stimulate continuous improvement in sustainable development. Currently certified products include office furniture systems, components, and seating, building materials, carpet and rug, hard surface flooring, paints, finishes, wood products, and cleaning products, among others.
The mission of the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership is to encourage and promote participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact and increase social responsibility of the print and graphic communications industry through sustainable green printing practices. SGP Partnership recognizes the following sustainable business practices as guiding principles to ensure continued viability and growth: (1) Employ, wherever and whenever possible, materials derived from renewable resources or with low environmental impact, maximizing recycling and recovery efforts with efficient utilization of renewable energy; (2) Encourage the adoption of changes within the supply chain by strongly recommending the use of raw materials that do not threaten or harm future generations; and (3) Educate the customer and ultimate consumer regarding the benefits of a restorative economy. Printers can be listed as a certified SGP Printer by meeting a set of criteria to establish performance standards. Certified SGP printers can be identified through the SGP website.
This center will provide information and guidance to other federal agencies, private industry and private citizens respecting the biobased procurement program mandated under the 2002 Farm Bill.
The purpose of USDA's green purchasing program is to promote the purchase of recycled content products, biobased products, Energy Star and energy-efficient products, and environmentally preferable products and services in accord with E.O. 13101 and other legislative and executive order requirements.
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Lessons Learned
Case Studies
The purpose of this Best Practices Guide is to provide information that will assist you and your agency to meet the requirements of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (the Farm bill), which requires Federal agencies to purchase biobased products.
When using the government credit card focus on buying products with recycled content, buying products with reduced packaging; looking for the Energy Star label; asking if the product contains hazardous materials or toxic chemicals; and looking for other information on the environmental features of products
This manual covers over 40 major product categories. In each chapter is a specifications section, some have specification, others have links or contacts.
EPA Document Number EPA 530-C-09-003 is written for federal managers and staff who have responsibility over the areas of program and resource management, facilities and fleet management, purchasing and federal bankcard management, contracts and grants management. The ESRG can be used as an outreach tool, a training tool and as a resource for what is required, what actions can be taken, what resources are available to take those actions, what training is available and what EPA and other federal agencies are doing. It includes sample outreach brochures, presentations, and other materials to assist you in getting support for and implementing your environmental stewardship practices.
This March 1998 case study examines how the city of Santa Monica adapted its purchasing policies to begin buying environmentally preferable products and services. The City found that purchasing environmentally preferable products and services resulted in many benefits; the quality of the products met or exceeded that of traditional products, the overall cost associated with purchases was lower, and the environmental preferability of products addressed residents' environmental concerns, improving public relations.
The website includes case studies highlighting some of the green purchasing practices taking place within Portland's City Bureaus. Each case study discusses the scope of the purchase, benefits, costs, performance, and lessons learned. Items addressed include: antifreeze, electricity, crumb rubber, inks, LED lighting, motor oil, paint, parking meters, tires, and waterless urinals.
Case study of a governmental office in Illinois that lowered printing costs by 15% through the use of multi-functional devices (MFD).
This June 2009 document is a joint collaboration between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This publication is an information and decision-making tool to help customers develop their own sustainable procurement policies for wood and paper-based products. It also has information on existing approaches to procurement from legal and sustainable sources
Contract/Procurement Language
Sample language to use in statements of work for custodial services.
Sample language to use in statements of work for grounds maintenance contracts.
Sample language to use in statements of work for minor construction contracts.
Sample language to use in statements of work for operations and maintenance.
Sample language to use in statements of work for vehicle maintenance.
General sample procurement language is provided s well as specific procurement language for the following: exit signs, LED traffic signals, residential windows, roof products, TVs, VCRs, DVDs, cordless phones and answering machines, computers, monitors, printers, faxes, copiers, scanners, water coolers, commercial/residential clothes washers, commercial/residential refrigerators and freezers, commercial fryers, commercial hot food holding cabinets, commercial steam cookers, vending machines, residential/commercial air conditioners, heat pumps, commercial and industrial transformers.
The model language aids Federal agencies to incorporate the performance criteria used for ENERGY STAR®-qualified and FEMP-designated products into procurement contracts for energy consuming products and systems. These include guide and project specifications; construction, renovation and service contracts; and the evaluations of offers. Products for which model language is available include: compact fluorescent lamps, exit signs, refrigerators, freezers, dish washers, clothes washers, heat pumps, air conditioners, furnaces, water heaters, chillers, ice machines, griddles, fryers, faucets, showerheads, toilets, computers, monitors, printers, roof products, and windows.
RSL 2010-2 implements the Energy Star® requirement of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 for lease acquisition.
Generic procurement language used to specify the purchase of all ENERGY STAR products.
EPA has partnered with the Federal Environmental Executive and the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) to develop the Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers. The intent of the document is to address the need for a comprehensive guide for procuring green building products and construction services within the Federal government.
FEMP sets minimum efficiency requirements for over a dozen of the most energy consuming products in the Federal Government, including commercial boilers, certain chillers, commercial gas hot water heating, and commercial lighting not covered by ENERGY STAR. For each covered product category, FEMP provides the minimum efficiency requirement, a cost effectiveness example, an energy cost calculator, and additional acquisition guidance, such as buyer tips, installation tips, and user tips. FEMP also sets maximum standby power requirements for some product categories. Compliant products are compiled and listed in the FEMP Standby Power Data Center. All Federal purchases must meet or exceed the FEMP-designated efficiency requirements and requirements for low standby power.
RSL-2007-12 outlines policy to implement energy and environmental leasing requirements. This policy incorporates modified and additional green language for Green Lease Solicitation For Offers (SFO) for all leases. The letter also provides accompanying policy in accordance with Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management, and the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Purchasing Guides
Whether you are a meeting host, planner or service supplier, you can use this site to find the tips, tools and resources to make environmentally responsible choices.
This pamphlet developed by NIH reviews the Environmentally Preferable Procurement (EPP) requirements and provides guidelines for purchasers of scientific supplies, equipment and services.
The purpose of this EPA guide is to provide practical information about environmental aspects of meeting planning and management that will assist federal purchasers in making purchasing decisions. The guide is not a risk assessment document nor is it intended to substitute for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), labels, or similar documents that provide information on proper storage, handling, use, and disposal.
The purpose of this EPA guide is to provide practical information that will assist federal purchasers in making purchasing decisions. The guide is not a risk assessment document nor is it intended to substitute for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), labels, or similar documents that provide information on proper storage, handling, use, and disposal.
The purpose of the guide is to provide practical information that will assist federal purchasers in making purchasing decisions. The guide is not a risk assessment document nor is it intended to substitute for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), labels, or similar documents that provide information on proper storage, handling, use, and disposal.
The purpose of the guide is to provide practical information that will assist federal purchasers in making purchasing decisions. The guide is not a risk assessment document nor is it intended to substitute for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), labels, or similar documents that provide information on proper storage, handling, use, and disposal.
Each year, AFVs are bid to GSA and offered for purchase or full-service leases through GSA Automotive Vehicle Solutions site, AutoChoice.
Federal agencies can purchase copier paper containing 30% postconsumer fiber from the General Services Administration's Schedule 75, Part XI. The Schedule information is on GSA Advantage, found at https://www.gsaadvantage.gov/.
Updated in 2008, this guide, produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), provides information and recommendations on responsible use and purchasing of office cleaning products.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this is a comprehensive resource for the responsible use, purchasing, and disposal of computers, monitors, and laptops.
Updated in January 2009, this guide, produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), includes Paper Steps, the new hierarchy of environmentally preferable papers created by the Environmental Paper Network.
This guide was prepared for the County of Los Angeles as a customized companion to the Responsible Purchasing Guide for Food Services. This guide outlines the basic social and environmental issues and costs related to polystyrene food container use, provides model policies and bid specs related to food containers, and addresses practical issues in waste management related to food containers.
This guide consists of the following sections: social and environmental issues; best practices; cost, quality, & supply; policies; specifications and standards; products; and calculators.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this is a comprehensive resource for the procurement of green energy. The Guide is designed to help institutions understand and compare green power based on sound environmental analysis, as well as concerns about cost, quality, and supply of green power. The Guide includes model energy policies and contract specifications from a variety of organizations; information on green power standards such as Green-e Energy and EcoLogo; and an online database of certified, green energy products.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this guide covers vehicles and fuels that operate efficiently, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and increase energy security.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this Guide provides information and recommendations on responsible purchasing, use, and disposal of tires and wheel weights with emphasis on low rolling resistance (LRR) tires, retread tires, and lead-free wheel weights.
This guide covers fluorescent lamps, including compact fluorescent bulbs, ballasts and tubes and outlines best practices for a responsible lighting system.
This guide, produced by the Responsible Procurement Network (RPN) describes the components of a successful procurement program for responsible paint.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this is a comprehensive resource for the for purchasing of high-quality remanufactured monochrome laser cartridges for printers, copiers, and fax machines.
Developed by Practice Greenhealth, this is a tool which can be used to guide the identification, selection and procurement of environmentally preferable medical products. The tool is intended to serve as a template with a common set of standardized questions on key environmentally preferable attributes of medical products that can be used by all stakeholders, including Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) and healthcare purchasers in their supply chain procurement process and manufacturers and suppliers in their entire product life cycle process.
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Training, Presentations, and Briefings
Offered by USDA, this is an introduction to responsibilities under the BioPreferred Federal Procurement Preference Training.
The USDA BioPreferred program has made 2 archived seminars available for viewing. The recorded seminars include a November 1, 2011 webinar entitled "From Awareness to Action: The BioPreferred Federal Procurement Preference Program", and a December 6, 2011 webinar entitled "Biobased Products in Operations, Maintenance, and Cleaning." Participants are eligible to earn CEU credit, and these modules are available 24x7.
This workshop provides an overview of Federal pollution prevention initiatives and how they relate to the DOD acquisition process. This course is DOD/Interservice Environmental Education Review Board (ISEERB) approved. The workshop demonstrates to Federal employees how, through affirmative procurement, we can create markets for recovered materials and environmentally preferred products and services.
A useful tool to help determine the total lifecycle costs of biobased products as compared to their non-biobased counterparts. This course is offered by USDA.
This course outlines how to meet executive order and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements on purchasing FEMP designated and ENERGY STAR products. The course includes a presentation file, archived video, transcript, and learner's guide. Participants can also qualify for a certificate of training when they complete the complementary knowledge test.
Presentation dated December 2007 discussing what green lease policies and procedures are in place and when were they incorporated into the GSA lease acquisition process.
Offered by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), the course number is CLC 046. Green procurement is the purchase of products and services with favorable energy or environmental attributes in accordance with federally-mandated "green" procurement preference programs. The DoD's Green Procurement Program is a comprehensive strategy for implementing environmentally preferred practices while sustaining the overall mission. The overall objective of this lesson is to identify the objectives and background of DoD's Green Procurement Program. This module takes approximately two hours to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score.
Powerpoint presentation dated January 10, 2008 addressing GSA'a environmental products website, online purchasing tools, and industry partners.
Learn tips from industry experts on how to write and negotiate an effective contract with refuse and recycling haulers, while keeping costs under control and increasing recycling. This webinar will also give you each of the speaker's first hand practical experiences on how to more effectively negotiate waste, recycling and composting contracts with haulers. Both speakers have reduced costs and significantly improved on diversion rates. This webinar was presented on 24 May 2012 by the EPA's Sustainable Materials Management Web Academy.
Presentation covers executive order and statutory requirements, Federal Acquisition Regulation provisions, each of the components of the Federal green purchasing program, examples of "cool stuff" from Federal agencies, example contract languages, and lots of references. Notes are provided.
The Responsible Purchasing Network is sponsoring a webinar on green office products. Representatives from some of the leading office supplies stores including Office Depot, Staples, and Independent Stationers will discuss their efforts to help institutional purchasers identify green alternatives.
Purchasing products with the ENERGY STAR label can substantially reduce your organization's energy use and costs. This training session includes information about EPA support to help your organization purchase products with superior energy performance; guidelines that define energy performance for numerous products; sample procurement language for stipulating energy performance attributes to vendors; lists of ENERGY STAR labeled products; and energy savings software that calculates the life cycle costs of ENERGY STAR products and their less efficient counterparts.
Specifically for purchase card holders, this training covers all of the Federal government-recognized green purchasing categories This course is offered by USDA.
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Last Updated: June 29, 2012