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Katrina's Classroom: Financial Lessons from a Hurricane

Meet Nick, Jacquelyn, and Jamie. Through these teenagers' stories, middle and high school students and their families will learn the importance of being financially prepared.

Katrina's Classroom: Financial Lessons from a Hurricane is a four-chapter, DVD-based curriculum that teaches students about financial responsibilities such as budgeting, banking, savings, and wise use of credit. The curriculum includes lesson plans and student activities tied to each five-minute video segment.

Teacher training
Developed by professional curriculum writers, each lesson plan expands and reinforces concepts aligned to national content standards in personal finance. To learn more about using Katrina's Classroom in your class, attend a workshop conducted by a Federal Reserve branch near you.

Downloading or ordering the curriculum
Using the links below, you can download the Katrina's Classroom DVD chapters, the English and Spanish transcripts, and the complete lesson plans.

To order a free Katrina's Classroom DVD/CD set, use the order form below.

Katrina Strikes

the video player will go here

Katrina Strikes (MP4 4:00)
In the Aftermath (MP4 6:32)
A Fresh Start (MP4 7:02)
Back to School (MP4 6:05)

DVD Transcripts

English pdf document logo
English/Spanish pdf document logo

Lesson Plans (Updated August 2009 with extension activities for lessons 2, 3, and 4)

Complete lesson plan (2.8 MB) pdf document logo
Introduction and Lesson 1 (498 KB) pdf document logo
Lesson 2 (1 MB) pdf document logo
Lesson 3 (715 KB) pdf document logo
Lesson 4 (657 KB) pdf document logo
Exhibits (1 MB) pdf document logo
National standards matrix (155 KB) pdf document logo

picture of flood houses in New Orleans

Order Form
Request one free DVD/CD set of Katrina's Classroom: Financial Lessons from a Hurricane. Materials may take up to two weeks for delivery. Bold fields are required.
Teacher's Full Name
ZIP Code
Phone Number
Other E-mail
Professional Title/Subject Area
Grade Level (check all that apply)
6th 10th
7th 11th
8th 12th