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Economic & Financial Highlights

Economic and Financial HighlightsThis weekly digest of economic and financial statistics provides charts and brief descriptions of data releases. It focuses on different data series from week to week and is in PDF icon format.

October 17
Industrial production rose 0.4 percent in September, and total housing starts increased 15 percent from August to September. See the latest data on manufacturing, real estate, and more.

October 10
U.S. nonfarm payrolls rose by 114,000 in September, while the labor force participation rate rose slightly to 63.6 percent. See the latest data on employment.

October 3
New orders for core capital goods rose 1.1 percent from July to August, and year-over-year home prices also gained in August. See the latest data on manufacturing, real estate, and more.

September 26
The region added a net 25,100 payrolls in August, and in July, U.S. home prices rose 1.1 percent year over year. See the latest data on employment, real estate, and more.

September 19
Retail sales rose between June and August, and existing home sales rose 7.8 percent from July to August. See the latest data on retail sales, housing, and more.

September 12
Consumer credit outstanding declined in July for the first time in almost a year, and year-over-year home sales rose modestly in August. See the latest data on consumer credit, housing, and more.

September 5
Consumer attitudes about the economy have deteriorated in recent months, and consumer spending in July rose 2 percent compared with a year ago. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, spending, and more.

August 29
Consumer confidence edged down in August, and new single-family home sales rose 3.6 percent from June to July. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, housing, and more.

August 22
Consumer expectations dipped in August for the third straight month, and sales of existing homes rose 2.3 percent from June to July. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, housing, and more.

August 15
U.S. retail sales increased from June to July, and regional homebuilders and brokers reported year-over-year sales increases in July. See the latest data on retail sales, housing, and more.

August 8
The U.S. economy added 163,000 jobs in July, and European bond spreads have come down from the recent highs seen in late July. See the latest data on employment, European bonds, and more.

August 1
Nationally, pending home sales remain 9.5 percent ahead of year-earlier levels, and overall measures of consumer sentiment in July were essentially unchanged from June. See the latest data on housing, consumers, and more.

July 25
Applications to refinance mortgages are up 109 percent year over year, and year-over-year home sales are up nationally. See the latest data on mortgage rates, home prices, and more.

July 18
The growth of retail sales slowed in June, and industrial production rose 0.4 percent in June. See the latest data on retail sales, manufacturing, and more.

July 11
Overall consumer attitudes deteriorated in June, and the manufacturing sector contracted in June after 36 months of expansion. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, manufacturing, and more.

June 27
Pending home sales in May were ahead of year-earlier levels, while some European bond spreads continue to be elevated. See the latest data on real estate, interest rates, and more.

June 20
Consumer sentiment in June fell to April levels, and year-over-year single-family housing starts rose 26.2 percent in May. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, real estate, and more.

June 13
Retail sales declined for the second month in a row in May, and southeastern home inventories continued their year-over-year decline in May. See the latest data on retail sales, real estate, and more.

June 6
Month-over-month consumer spending rose 3.3 percent in April, and the labor force participation rate rose 0.2 percent in May. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, employment, and more.

May 30
Measures of consumer confidence were mixed in May, and home prices continued declining in March. See the latest data on consumer sentiment, housing markets, and more.

May 23
The Sixth District added 14,400 payrolls in April, and home sales remain ahead of year-earlier levels. See the latest data on labor markets, housing markets, and more.

May 16
Industrial production rose in April, and southeastern real estate brokers and homebuilders expect their sales to grow in the coming months. See the latest data on manufacturing, real estate, consumer spending, and more.

May 9
April saw 115,000 new jobs created nationally, and Spanish and Italian bond spreads remain elevated. See the latest data on the labor market, interest rates, and more.

May 2
April saw a quickening pace in the manufacturing sector, and March pending home sales were up nearly 13 percent from a year ago. See the latest data on manufacturing, real estate, consumer spending, and more.

April 25
U.S. home sales declined from February to March but remained ahead of year-ago levels, and consumer confidence fell in April. See the latest data on real estate, consumer sentiment, and more.

April 18
Total U.S. housing starts fell nearly 6 percent from February to March, and overall consumer sentiment rose in March. See the latest data on housing, consumer sentiment, and more.

April 11
The U.S. economy added 120,000 jobs in March, and the majority of southeastern homebuilders and brokers reported increased year-over-year sales in March. See the latest data on employment, housing, and more.

April 4
The third and final estimate of the fourth-quarter 2011 real gross domestic product (GDP) growth was unchanged at 3 percent. See the latest data on GDP, consumer spending, and more.

March 28
Realtors reported that February pending home sales declined slightly from January, but are up 9 percent from a year ago. See the latest data on home sales, consumer confidence, and more.

March 21
Regional home builders and real estate brokers reported sales increases in February, and the headline consumer price index rose at a 5 percent annual rate in February. See the latest data on real estate, consumer prices, and more.

March 14
The U.S. economy added 227,000 jobs in February, and adjusted retail sales were slightly up in February. See the latest data on employment, retail sales, mortgage markets, and more.

March 7
Total U.S. construction spending rose on a year-over-year basis in January, and consumer credit outstanding increased $18 billion in January. See the latest data on real estate, consumer spending, manufacturing, and more.

February 29
Pending U.S. home sales rose 2 percent from December to January, and consumer confidence was up in February. See the latest data on real estate, consumer confidence, manufacturing, and more.

February 22
U.S. housing starts rose from December to January, and the consumer price index was also up in January. See the latest data on real estate, consumer prices, and more.

February 15
Southeastern homebuilders and brokers reported increased January sales, and corporate bond issuance also rose in January. See the latest data on real estate, the bond market, and more.

February 8
The U.S. economy added 243,000 jobs in January, with job growth spread across industries, and some European bond spreads have narrowed recently. See the latest data on employment and financial markets.

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