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Education Resources

What Kids Say about Personal Finance

Teachers, do you ever wonder if you're getting through? Some middle schoolers talk to Extra Credit about what they're learning in personal finance.

The History of Central Banking

When was the first central bank in the United States established? Did the Fed do all it could do during the Great Depression? The latest Classroom Economist can answer these questions, with videos, lessons, and quizzes, while helping you teach the history of central banking in the United States.

Hurricane Katrina: Still Teaching Valuable Lessons Seven Years Later

"Save for a rainy day." That overarching lesson from the Atlanta Fed's four-part curriculum, based on the real-life experiences of four families in an emergency, is still relevant. Extra Credit brings you up to date on one of the featured families.

Feature of the Month

Lesson Plan for Teachers

Myths, tall tales, and urban legends: A lesson on the facts behind the Fed

Myth or reality: The Fed has constitutional authority. Reality! The constitutionality of central banking was established through a U.S. Supreme Court precedent. The case, McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819) was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

This active-learning lesson PDF icon introduces students to common myths about the Federal Reserve and the reality behind the misconceptions. Students will evaluate statements about the Federal Reserve, using primary sources and each other to determine whether they are true or false. They circulate and survey one another in the process to pair myths and realities.
Lesson (.pdf, 114 KB)
Whiteboard (.notebook, 461 KB)

Regional Data

Alabama Payroll Employment

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Florida Payroll Employment

Full Report and Data

Georgia Payroll Employment

Full Report and Data

Louisiana Payroll Employment

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Mississippi Payroll Employment

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Tennessee Payroll Employment

Full Report and Data


Teacher Workshops

Get smart! Teacher workshops expand and refresh your knowledge of the Fed, economics, and personal finance.

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Classroom Economist

This online resource features videos, PowerPoint presentations, and more to help teachers gain a deeper understanding of key economic concepts.

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Extra Credit

Teaching economics and finance? This online newsletter provides articles, lesson plans, and more for classroom use.

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Katrina's Classroom

A free DVD-based curriculum for teaching middle and high school students and their parents about financial basics and the importance of financial preparedness

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