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Auto Leasing
Checks and Checking Accounts
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Regulations
Credit Cards
Credit Reports
Credit Rights
Currency and Coin
Debt Issues
Deposit Insurance
Discrimination (see Fair Lending)
Electronic Money and Direct Deposits/Payments
Fair Lending
Federal Reserve System
Financial Literacy and Children
Financial Planning
Financial Privacy
Home Equity Loans
Life Insurance
Mergers and Acquisitions—Consolidation in the Banking Industry
Mortgage Loans
Mutual Funds
Retirement Planning
Small Business Credit

Auto Leasing

Keys to Vehicle Leasing, Board of Governors
Consejos para arrendar un vehículo: Guía del consumidor, Board of Governors

Checks and Checking Accounts

Consumer Guide to Check 21 and Substitute Checks, Board of Governors
Guía del consumidor sobre Check 21 y cheques sustitutos, Board of Governors
A Guide to Regulation CC Compliance (Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks), Board of Governors
A Guide to Your First Bank Account, FRB Atlanta
Paying for It: Checks, Cash, and Electronic Payments, FRB Atlanta
Protecting Yourself from Overdraft and Bounced-Check Fees, Board of Governors
Protéjase de los cargos por cheques rebotados y sobregiros, Board of Governors
What You Should Know about Your Checks, Board of Governors
Lo que usted debería saber sobre sus cheques, Board of Governors
When is Your Check Not a Check? Electronic Check Conversion, Board of Governors
¿Cuándo no es su cheque un cheque? Intercambio electrónico de cheques, Board of Governors

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

Community Reinvestment Act Information, Board of Governors
Community Reinvestment: Does Your Bank Measure Up?, FRB Atlanta
CRA Ratings and Data, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Consumer Complaints

How to File a Consumer Complaint About a Bank, FRB Kansas City
Cómo puede un consumidor presentar una queja acerca de un banco, Board of Governors

Consumer Regulations

Summaries and Full Text Versions of Consumer Protection Regulations, Board of Governors

Credit Cards

Choosing a Credit Card, Board of Governors

Credit Reports and Rights

Consumer Handbook to Credit Protection Laws, Board of Governors
Credit Education Center, Fair Isaac Corp.
Credit Reports & Scoring, Federal Trade Commission
How to Dispute Credit Report Errors, Federal Trade Commission
How to Establish, Use, and Protect Credit, FRB Philadelphia
What Your Credit Report Says About You, FRB Philadelphia
Your Credit Rating, FRB Philadelphia

Currency and Coin

Newly Designed Currency, Bureau of Engraving and Printing
50 State Quarters, U.S. Mint
The Golden Dollar Coin, U.S. Mint
Dollars and Cents: Fundamental Facts About U.S. Money, FRB Atlanta
American Currency Exhibit, FRB San Francisco

Debt Issues

FAQs: A Guide for Consumers, Federal Trade Commission
Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit Counselor, Federal Trade Commission
Knee-Deep in Debt, Federal Trade Commission
Managing Your Debts: How to Regain Financial Health, Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO

Deposit Insurance

Deposit Insurance: Are My Deposits Insured?, FDIC

Discrimination (see Fair Lending)


Economic Indicators, Economics and Statistics Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce
Strong Dollar/Weak Dollar: Foreign Exchange Rates and the U.S. Economy, FRB Chicago

Electronic Money and Direct Deposits/Payments

Electronic Money, FRB Chicago
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, FRB Minneapolis
Paying for It: Checks, Cash, and Electronic Payments, FRB Atlanta
A Smart New Way to Pay: Debit Cards—What Savvy Consumers Need to Know, Consumer Information Center
When is Your Check Not a Check? Electronic Check Conversion, Board of Governors
¿Cuándo no es su cheque un cheque? Intercambio electrónico de cheques, Board of Governors

Fair Lending

Home Mortgages: Understanding the Process and Your Right to Fair Lending, Board of Governors
A Guide to Business Credit for Women, Minorities, and Small Businesses, Board of Governors
Access to Credit: A Guide for Lenders and Women Owners of Small Businesses, FRB Chicago
Closing the Gap: A Guide to Equal Opportunity Lending, FRB Boston

Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve Structure and Functions, FRB Atlanta
The Structure of the Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors
The Federal Open Market Committee, Board of Governors
Members of the Board of Governors, Board of Governors
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, Board of Governors

Financial Literacy and Children

Jump$tart Coalition
Georgia Consortium for Personal Financial Literacy, Georgia Council on Economic Education
Getting Credit: What You Need to Know About Your Credit, Federal Trade Commission
Comic Book Series (in print only), FRB New York

Financial Planning

Free Your Money: 4 Steps to Your Financial Freedom, FRB Atlanta
What You Should Know About Financial Planning, Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards
10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards

Financial Privacy

Facts for Consumers: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft, Federal Trade Commission
FTC's ID Theft Microsite: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft, Federal Trade Commission
ID Theft: What It's All About, Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information, Board of Governors
Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft, Federal Trade Commission

Home Equity Loans

Home Equity Loan Interest Is Deductible—to a Point,
What You Should Know about Home Equity Lines of Credit, Board of Governors
Lo que usted debería saber sobre las líneas de crédito con garantía hipotecaria, Board of Governors


Interest Rates: An Introduction, FRB New York
Selected Interest Rates, Board of Governors


Investment Choices, Securities and Exchange Commission
Invest Wisely: Advice From Your Securities Industry Regulators, Securities and Exchange Commission
Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s), TreasuryDirect
TreasuryDirect (to purchase T-Bills, Notes, and Bonds), U.S. Department of the Treasury

Life Insurance

A Few Facts About Life Insurance: How to Get the Coverage you Really Need, Consumer Action

Mergers and Acquisitions—Consolidation in the Banking Industry

National Information Center (a database of financial data and institutional characteristics), Federal Financials Institutions Examination Council

Mortgage Loans

Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages, Board of Governors
Guía para el consumidor sobre hipotecas a tasa ajustable (ARM), Board of Governors
A Consumer's Guide to Mortgage Lock-Ins, Board of Governors
A Consumer's Guide to Mortgage Settlement Costs, Board of Governors
(Foreclosure) Resources for Consumers, Board of Governors
Mortgage Comparison Calculator, Board of Governors
Home Mortgages: Understanding the Process and Your Right to Fair Lending, Board of Governors
Home Mortgages: Where to Shop and What to Look For, Board of Governors
Buying a Home, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Interest-Only Mortgage Payments and Payment-Option ARMs, Board of Governors
Looking for the Best Mortgage: Shop, Compare, Negotiate, Board of Governors
Buscando la hipoteca más favorable: Compare, verifique, negocie, Board of Governors
Partners Software Online (online mortgage calculator), FRB Atlanta
Putting Your Home on the Loan Line Is Risky Business, Board of Governors
Utilizar su hogar como garantía para un préstamo es arriesgado, Board of Governors

Mutual Funds

Invest Wisely: An Introduction to Mutual Funds, Securities and Exchange Commission
The SEC Mutual Fund Cost Calculator: A Tool for Comparing Mutual Funds, Securities and Exchange Commission
Questions You Should Ask Before You Invest in a Mutual Fund, Investment Company Institute

Retirement Planning

Lump Sum Distribution, Consumer Information Center
A Predictable, Secure Pension for Life, Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation


66 Ways to Save Money, Consumer Literacy Consortium
The Consumer's Almanac, American Financial Services Association Education Foundation

Small Business Credit

A Guide to Business Credit for Women, Minorities, and Small Businesses, Board of Governors
Access to Credit: A Guide for Lenders and Women Owners of Small Businesses, FRB Chicago
The Credit Process: A Guide for Small Business Owners, FRB New York