Worksheets and Helpful Documents

Budget Planner
Use this sheet to plan out your income and expenses.
Our latest newsletter features information on the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program. Check this out to learn about refinancing options available in Pennsylvania. For active DMP clients, read important Operations information in this issue.
Our fall newsletter features important updates to our website, Christmas Sign-ups and the Liheap Program. For active DMP clients read up on some important Operations information. Plus, the week of October 19th is Protect Your Identity Week! Stay tuned to our website for further details!
CONSUMER CONNECTION v15 _3 Fall 2008 .pdf
Our winter newsletter features important information on LIHEAP updates, 2009 DMP Resolutions, the Be Money Wi$e Poster Contest and FREE Tax Preparation!
CONSUMER CONNECTION v15 _4 Winter 2008.pdf
Our Spring issue of Consumer Connection features information on the Stimulus package and how it can affect you. Also in this issue, take a look at where we will be during Financial Literacy Month!
CONSUMER CONNECTION v16 #1 Spring 2009.pdf
6 Month Expense Tracking Sheet
Use this sheet to monitor your spending and budgeting on a monthly basis.
Financial Fitness Guide
Get your finances in shape! Download this guide to maintaining a healthy financial situation.
Financial Fitness Guide.pdf
General Information Worksheet
This is the printable version of our debt management program enrollment general information worksheet.
General Information Worksheet.pdf


Know your priorites. Allot enough income for the essentials (shelter, utilities, food, medical, savings).

No more than 25% of your monthly income should go towards installment debt – credit cards, loans, car payments, etc.

Refrain from using your credit to subsidize your income.

Act your own wage!

Deposit part of your income into a savings account to meet emergency expenses.