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Supervision & Regulation

Filing an Application

Advance Name Checks

Application Fee

Application Forms

Definition of Well-Capitalized

Department of Justice Antitrust Division Guidelines and Policy Statements

Electronic Filing
E-Apps is a web-based application that will allow banking organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve System to submit applications online, either directly or through their authorized representatives. For filings that are submitted via E-Apps, a hard-copy submission is not required. Instructions for accessing E-Apps can be found on the Board of Governors' Web site at

Guidelines on Confidentiality

Publication Guide


Sixth District Banking Market Definitions

Understanding Antitrust Considerations in Banking Proposals
General Guidance on Specific Types of Filings (Forms to Use, Guiding Regulation, Publication Information, Number of Copies to Submit)

Application Fee - The Federal Reserve does not charge a fee to process applications

Guidelines on Confidentiality - When submitting an application please note that any portion for which you request confidential treatment should be labeled confidential and separately bound. Your application should also provide an explanation of why the information should not be made available to the public. Portions of the application that are not labeled confidential and separately bound will be available to the public upon request.

Definition of Well-Capitalized - Certain application procedures require that the applicant and/or its subsidiaries be well-capitalized. The statutory requirements under Section 131 of FDICIA for a well-capitalized institution are:

1. Minimum total risk-based capital ratio of 10 percent,
2. Minimum tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 6 percent,
3. Minimum tier 1 leverage ratio of 5 percent, and
4. Must be under no capital directive.

Advance Name Checks - For filings that require FR2081C (Interagency Biographical and Financial Report), these forms may be submitted in advance in order to expedite processing.