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Wall St and Washington

Wall St and Washington

Clarke Camper provides the latest insight on the coming presidential election, the looming Fiscal Cliff and a counter-intuitive analysis of the Dodd-Frank Act.

The Market Today

Dow Jumps on Upbeat Data

Dow Jumps on Upbeat Data

Better than expected earnings, some positive economic reports and optimism that Spain is getting closer to asking for a bailout has the Dow up 100 pts to 13,524.

Trending Stories

Weekly Economic Indicators: Home Improvement

Weekly Economic Indicators: Home Improvement

Our market expert shares why the recent slew of housing related data is indicative of an improving economy and shares some trading floor buzz on the year-end outlook.

Romney and the Fed

Romney and the Fed

Governor Mitt Romney has made no secret of his opposition to keeping Bernanke in charge of monetary policy. If elected, there could be a shakeup at the central bank.

Obama and Romney on Wall Street Regulation

Obama and Romney on Wall Street Regulation

President Obama and Governor Romney traded barbs over Wall Street reform in Wednesday’s presidential debate and drew clear battle lines over the future of financial regulation.

It's a Small, Small (Financial) World

It's a Small, Small (Financial) World

Until 2007, "the global economy" was more of a concept than a trading reality. But the last 5 years have seen stock correlation rates much higher than in decades past. So how connected are the world's financial centers?

Inside ETFs: A Look at the Creation and Redemption Process

Inside ETFs: A Look at the Creation and Redemption Process

You may know that shares of ETFs are bought and sold on exchanges such as NYSE Arca, just as shares of stock are bought and sold. But you may not know exactly how an ETF maintains its portfolio of equities. ETF Focus takes a look at this essential process.

Financial Literacy: Start Your Fall Savings Plan

Your Bank

Your Bank

Do you know the best way to get the most out of your bank? Here are some considerations.

Pay Yourself First

Pay Yourself First

The simple strategy of paying yourself first means you won’t be tempted to shortchange your savings goals.

Risk and Return

Risk and Return

When it comes to savings, risk and return are important concepts. Here's what you need to know.

Your Goals

Your Goals

The first step toward successful saving is to set a goal and write it down. Read how to organize your goals.