STOP The Drama ... END The Hate ... STOMP Out Bullying
The Leading National Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Organization for Kids & Teens

STOP The Drama ... END The Hate ... STOMP Out Bullying
The Leading National Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Organization for Kids & Teens



STOMP Out Bullying™ is recognized as the most influential anti-bullying organization in America.

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Wonka NERDS Unite to Benefit STOMP Out Bullying


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Wonka NERDS Unite
to Benefit STOMP Out Bullying™ with
Nick Cannon and Mario Lopez.

STOMP Out Bullying™


STOMP Out Bullying™ GOES BLUE with Albert Leonard Middle School, New Rochelle, NY, Mario Lopez and Armour Foods on Blue Shirt Day® World Day of Bullying Prevention 2014

People Have Made A Commitment To STOMP Out Bullying™

Parent Alert: Websites That Encourage Kids To Behave Badly And Harm Themselves

It’s time for parents to know about the research that shows a troubling trend in the mental health of our children. Peer cruelty, stress, depression, eating disorders, smoking, binge drinking, and using drugs are on the rise ...

Sibling Bullying is Damaging

According to a new study from the University of New Hampshire’s Crimes Against Children Research Center, sibling bullying is not something to be shrugged off...

Study Points To Bullying Risk Factors For Kids With Autism

Kids with autism are more likely to be bullied as they get older but the odds of victimization are influenced by a variety of factors, new research suggests.

Changing School Culture Can End Bullying

Bucyrus had a bullying problem, and city officials wanted to do more than punish students and react to incidents; rather, they wanted to stop the bullying before it began ...

Bullying: Changing Behaviors, Changing Old School Ways – Helping Everybody

Both victims of bullying and the bullies need help. We must help the victims immediately and not sweep the issue under the rug. Yet, we must also get help for the bullies ...

Overuse Of The Word “Bully”

The dictionary describes the word “Bully” as a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing to others. It also says -- antagonizer, browbeater, bulldozer ...