Secretary Clinton: Travel to France, Afghanistan, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Egypt, and Israel

July 5, 2012 to July 17, 2012

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Secretary Clinton traveled to France, Afghanistan, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Egypt, and Israel departing Washington, DC on July 5.

In Paris on July 6, Secretary Clinton attended the third meeting of the Friends of the Syrian People. At that meeting, the Secretary consulted with her colleagues on steps to increase pressure on the Assad regime and to support UN-Arab League Special Envoy Annan’s efforts to end the violence and facilitate a political transition to a post-Assad Syria. Secretary Clinton consulted with French leaders regarding next steps on Syria as well as on a number of other key areas of global concern. As part of her ongoing consultations with senior Palestinian and Israeli leaders, the Secretary also met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss both parties’ efforts to pursue a dialogue and build on President Abbas’ exchange of letters with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Secretary then traveled to Kabul, Afghanistan on July 7 where she met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

The Secretary then traveled to Tokyo to attend the July 8 Conference on Afghanistan, where she reaffirmed our enduring commitment to the Afghan people and join the international community in supporting Afghanistan’s development needs for the “transformation decade” to begin in 2015. As part of the mutual commitments made by the international community and Afghanistan at the Bonn conference last December, the Afghan Government in turn will lay out its plan for economic reform and continued steps toward good governance. She also had discussions with Japanese Government counterparts on bilateral, regional, and global issues of mutual concern.

In Ulaanbaatar on July 9, Secretary Clinton met with President Elbegdorj and Prime Minister Batbold and addressed the meeting of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies, as well as an international women's conference.

In Hanoi on July 10, the Secretary met with senior Vietnamese leaders. She witnessed the signing of several agreements covering education exchanges and commercial contracts and meet with representatives of U.S. and Vietnamese business communities.

Secretary Clinton arrived in Vientiane on July 11. This groundbreaking visit to Laos marked the first by a Secretary of State in 57 years. The Secretary met with Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong and other senior government officials to discuss a variety of bilateral and regional issues, including the Lower Mekong Initiative and ASEAN integration efforts.

Secretary Clinton arrived in Phnom Penh on July 11 to participate in regional conferences, to both chair and attend ministerial events and to participate in bilateral meetings with Cambodian officials. Regional conferences included the ASEAN Regional Forum, the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers Meeting, and the U.S.-ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference. Secretary Clinton co-chaired the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Ministerial as well as chair the Friends of the Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting. Secretary Clinton also participated in bilateral meetings with senior Cambodian leadership. After Phnom Penh, Secretary Clinton traveled to Siem Reap to lead the largest delegation of U.S. business representatives to Cambodia for an ASEAN event at the ‘Commitment to Connectivity - U.S.-ASEAN Business Forum.’ While in Siem Reap, Secretary Clinton delivered the keynote address at the Lower Mekong Initiative Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Dialogue on July 13.

On July 14, Secretary Clinton traveled to Egypt to express the United States’ support for Egypt’s democratic transition and economic development. From July 15-16, she met with senior government officials, civil society, and business leaders, and inaugurated the U.S. Consulate General in Alexandria.

This was followed by a stop in Israel on July 16-17, where she met with the Israeli leadership to discuss peace efforts and a range of regional and bilateral issues of mutual concern. [Photos]

07/16/2012  Interview With Elise Labott of CNN
07/16/2012  Remarks at a Press Availability
07/16/2012  Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
07/16/2012  Remarks With Minister of Defense Ehud Barak
07/16/2012  Meets With the Staff and Families of Embassy Tel Aviv and Consulate General Jerusalem
07/16/2012  Remarks With Israeli President Shimon Peres Following Their Meeting
07/15/2012  Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Trip to Jerusalem
07/15/2012  Remarks at Flag-Raising Ceremony
07/15/2012  Remarks at Meeting With Embassy Staff and Families
07/15/2012  Remarks to Egyptian Women Leaders 
07/15/2012  Remarks to Flat6 Labs
07/15/2012  Background Briefing
07/14/2012  Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr
07/14/2012  Background Briefing En Route Cairo
07/13/2012  Remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Business Forum
07/13/2012  Remarks to the Lower Mekong Initiative Womens' Gender Equality and Empowerment Dialogue
07/13/2012  Background Briefing in Siem Reap, Cambodia
07/13/2012  Remarks From the Fifth Lower Mekong Initiative Ministerial
07/13/2012  Meeting With Embassy Staff and Their Families
07/13/2012  Remarks at the Second Friends of the Lower Mekong Ministerial
07/12/2012  Remarks to the ASEAN Regional Forum
07/12/2012  Intervention at East Asia Summit
07/12/2012  Press Availability in Phnom Penh
07/12/2012  Background Briefing at 2012 ASEAN Summit
07/12/2012  Remarks at the Top of a Meeting With Korean Foreign Minister Kim and Japanese Foreign Minister Gemba
07/12/2012  Remarks at the Top of a Bilateral Meeting With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang
07/11/2012  Remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting
07/11/2012  Meets With Embassy Staff and Their Families
07/11/2012  Meets With Staff and Families of Embassy Hanoi
07/10/2012  Background Briefing in Hanoi, Vietnam
07/10/2012  Remarks at American Chamber of Commerce Reception and Commercial Signings
07/10/2012  Remarks at Fulbright 20th Anniversary Event
07/10/2012  Remarks With Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh After Their Meeting
07/09/2012  Meets With the Staff and Families of Embassy Ulaanbaatar
07/09/2012  Remarks at the Community of Democracies Governing Council
07/09/2012  Remarks at the Launch of Leaders Engaged in New Democracies Network
07/09/2012  Remarks to the International Women's Leadership Forum
07/09/2012  Background Briefing En Route Mongolia
07/08/2012  Background Briefing on the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan
07/08/2012  Meeting with Embassy Staff and Their Families in Tokyo
07/08/2012  Intervention at the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan
07/08/2012  Remarks With Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba
07/08/2012  Remarks at Afghan Civil Society Event
07/0820/12  Remarks at the Tomodachi Event
07/07/2012  Meeting with Embassy Staff in Kabul
07/07/2012  Remarks With Afghan President Hamid Karzai
07/06/2012  Press Availability Following the Friends of the Syrian People Ministerial Meeting
07/06/2012  Remarks at the Friends of the Syrian People Ministerial Meeting

07/14/2012 Lower Mekong Initiative Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy Dialogue 
07/13/2012 Asia-Pacific Strategic Engagement Initiative
07/13/2012 Lower Mekong Initiative
07/13/2012 Statement of the Second Friends of the Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting
07/13/2012 Statement on the Fifth Lower Mekong Initiative Ministerial Meeting
07/13/2012 U.S. Economic Engagement with ASEAN
07/12/2012 2012 U.S. Engagement in the ASEAN Regional Forum
07/12/2012 Trilateral Joint Statement
07/12/2012 U.S.-China Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region
07/12/2012 U.S.-EU Statement on the Asia-Pacific Region
07/11/2012 Administration Eases Financial and Investment Sanctions on Burma
07/11/2012 Progress on the Brunei-U.S. English Language Enrichment Project for ASEAN
07/11/2012 Joint Statement on Secretary Clinton's Official Visit to the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR)
07/11/2012 United States-ASEAN Cooperation 2012
07/10/2012 Secretary Clinton Launches On-Demand Network for Emerging Democracies
07/10/2012 The United States and Vietnam - Promoting Economic Ties
07/08/2012 July 7-9 Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan
07/08/2012 Joint Statement by U.S. Secretary of State Clinton, Afghanistan Foreign Minister Rassoul, and Pakistan Foreign Minister Khar at the First Ministerial-level Core Group Trilateral Meeting
07/07/2012 Major Non-NATO Ally Status for Afghanistan

Related Information
ASEAN Summit 2012

Secretary's Schedule
Public Schedule for July 15, 2012
Public Schedule for July 14, 2012
Public Schedule for July 13, 2012
Public Schedule for July 12, 2012

Public Schedule for July 11, 2012
Public Schedule for July 10, 2012
Public Schedule for July 9, 2012
Public Schedule for July 8, 2012
Public Schedule for July 7, 2012
Public Schedule for July 6, 2012

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