Welcome to the API Developers Forum

This is a community for Census API Developers. To improve access to data and encourage innovation, the Census Bureau has begun to provide API access to some data sets. General API information is available at www.census.gov/developers. Use this site to submit questions, provide feedback, and share ideas to help the Census Bureau as it makes data available through APIs.

View the Census Bureau's Privacy and Comment Policy.

Campaign: Bugs / Problems

2012 ACS1 Error


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Campaign: Census Geography

Determine street address from different geo coordinates

Is there a proven formula to match up slightly different lat/lng values to a street address without submitting both of them to a Geocoding service (since we've already done so and don't want to make a second api call). eg. The following coordinates are for the same street address (55 Church Street zip code 07505), but one set points to the building and the other to the street. lat : 40.9170109 long: -74.1702248 lat: ...more »

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Campaign: Using Data

Dataset Update: 2012 Economy-Wide Key Statistics

​​Census would like to inform everyone through this forum that we have updated the 2012 Economic Census - All Sectors: Economy-Wide Key Statistics (EWKS). It now has more summary levels and OPTAX is required. We recommend you make the necessary modifications in order to continue using this dataset without any problem.


If you have any questions or comment respond to this post or email dsd.ferrett@census.gov.

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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Prevent mixed content in EasyStats

http://www.census.gov/easystats/application/ calls the jQuery Templating Plugin from http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.templates/beta1/jquery.tmpl.js., which triggers a mixed content warning (and breaks the application in Chrome 42) when embedding EasyStats in an HTTPS page. The URL should be HTTPS or protocol-relative.

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Campaign: Application Showcase

Top Rank Census

Now available for iOS. Top Rank Census offers an easy way to browse through the many data categories and geographies of the ACS 5-Year Data Profiles. Simply make your choice and Top Rank Census will generate a ranked list in a flash! It's simple and convenient. The key is the nested table interface that allows a user to scroll through all of the data categories -- even on an iPhone! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/top-rank-census/id976962772?mt=8&uo=6&at=&ct= ...more »

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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Inconsistent Output in Geocoding Services API?

Hi Everyone, First off, I want to congratulate you on putting together such a comprehensive and straightforward set of APIs. This is really excellent work, and it's a great way of making Census Bureau data more accessible. However, in integrating with the Geocoding Services API, I seem to have noticed a bit of an issue: when looking up Geographies, the results are inconsistent. In particular, if I execute an identical ...more »

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Campaign: API Technical Discussions

How to get api to do geocoding?

I have used Tele-Atlas/TomTom geocoding service which is now been discontinued. I'm trying to find an alternative that would return most or all of the same variables.


1. How do I get access to the API?


2. How is the security? My data is highly sensitive and I have to be 100% there will be no way the data can be viewed or saved.


3. I have to geocoding around 100,000 addresses. Will this be an issue?


Thank you

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Campaign: Census Geography

IN Clause for Census Tracts within New York City

I want to retrieve tract level data for all of New York City. I know I can do this using five different calls, one for each of the five counties. I would like to do this with a single call. I have read that the IN clause does not support this (&in=state:36+county:005,061,047,081,085 only returns records for 005). Perhaps this could be done using a place but this is currently not a supported geographic hierarchy.

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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Invalid API Key Message

Hello, I recently obtained and validated my API key. However, when I attempt to enter a test URL in my browser window with my api key I receive a message stating "A valid key must be included with each data API request. You included a key with this request, however, it is not valid. Please check your key and try again."

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Campaign: API Technical Discussions

API - Pass a point to server return data

Newbie question. What I want to do is given an x, y coordinate, I want to pass it to a Census server and have it return data for the block group it intersects. This is an example of what I would like: http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/1/query?text=&geometry=-95.8239%2C+36.0729&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&returnCountOnly=false&returnIdsOnly=false&returnGeometry=true&outFields=*&f=pjson ...more »

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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Very Slow Response Times

Since about mid day yesterday I started to see very slow response times. Even selecting one variable is taking approximately 10 seconds. Requesting 50 is take minutes and sometime the server returns an an error: There was an error while running your query. We've logged the error and we'll correct it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is a bit hard to test as there appears to be server side caching so if you ...more »

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Campaign: Using Data

Difference between Data Profile and Summary File API?

What is the difference between the Data Profile data and the Summary file data. It seems very similar, with some overlap, but also slightly different, and I don't understand the relationship between the two. Is the Summary File information used to create the Data Profiles? Are these two totally different surveys with different metrics? It's not clear to me when I should use the Summary File vs Data Profile. I've leaned ...more »

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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Data Profile API Incorrect for DP02_0024PE

The ACS 5 Year API is returning incorrect data for the DP02_0024PE variable. It should be returning a percent value but it is returning a sum.


Should be %:



It is returning same as this:


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Campaign: Bugs / Problems

Error in variable list for census 2010 SF1



I found a couple of errors in the variable list for SF 1 census 2010. For example P0050010 should be "Hispanic or Latino:" but is listed as something else on the variables page here


and the json here: http://api.census.gov/data/2010/sf1/variables/P0050010.json

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Campaign: Using Data

Trouble getting daytime population

Hi everyone, I'm trying to calculate the daytime population at the block level and/or the block group level. It's noted here (https://www.census.gov/hhes/commuting/data/calculations.html) that we can query the API and get the code "B08604 Total Workers for Workplace Geography." However, this code returns the "null" value in various data sets (including ACS 5-year) at the block-group and block level. It seems like ...more »

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Campaign: Using Data

Merging Table Lookup and Shell Files

In order to get the proper titles for variables/cells in the data I needed to write a program to merge two Excel files. The two files are Sequence_Number_and_Table_Number_Lookup.xls and ACS2012_5-Year_TableShells.xls. The first one contains the sequence and line numbers so that I can get the values from the data-tables. The second one has indents in the cell titles so I know how to combine them to create a proper cell ...more »

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Campaign: Feature Requests

Add GET parameter for tables

There is a limit of 50 variables in a GET. So, I can understand, sort of, the need to limit, but many of your tables have more than 50 cells. For example: [ACSSF, B04001, 0006, , 7, 109 CELLS, , FIRST ANCESTRY REPORTED, Ancestry], has 109 cells, and if I want to get Estimates plus Margin of Errors I need to get 218 variables. So, why not accept a table number parameter instead? It would make the calls much easier and ...more »

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 288 Ideas