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Consumer Information

Dollars and Cents: Fundamental Facts about U.S. Money provides historical information about U.S. money and describes the types and features of paper money and coins now in circulation. The booklet also tells how currency and coins are made, how money circulates, and how damaged money is redeemed. Also included are tips on how to spot a counterfeit bill and what to do if one comes into your possession. 2004. 20 pages.

A Guide to Your First Bank Account describes the advantages of having a bank account, outlining the types of accounts available and how to open and manage an account. The brochure also answers some basic questions about information security, privacy protection, and banking resources for non-English speakers. 2006.

Paying for It: Checks, Cash, and Electronic Payments provides information about the most common methods of making payments and describes the Federal Reserve's role in the nation's payment system. The document describes how checks and electronic payments work and discusses how currency is processed and distributed. 2006. Available only online.