Record Layout for Census 2000 County-to-County Worker Flow Files Position Name Description -------- -------- ----------- 1-2 Res_ST FIPS State Code of Residence 4-6 Res_CO FIPS County Code of Residence 8-11 Res_MSA FIPS Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the MSAs and CMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Appears for nonmetropolitan areas * Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. 13-16 Res_PMSA FIPS Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the PMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Not in a PMSA * Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. 18-57 Res_Name Residence County name and State abbreviation 59-61 Wrk_ST Modified FIPS State Code or Foreign Country/Area Code of Workplace FIPS State codes have been extended to three characters by adding a leading zero. 63-65 Wrk_CO FIPS County Code of Workplace 000 Appears in conjunction with codes for workplaces in Puerto Rico or a Foreign Country/Area. 67-70 Wrk_MSA FIPS Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) Code of Workplace This field contains the 4-digit code for the MSAs and CMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Appears for nonmetropolitan areas * Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. bbbb This field is blank for workplaces outside the U.S. such as Puerto Rico or a foreign country. 72-75 Wrk_PMSA FIPS Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) Code of Workplace This field contains the 4-digit code for the PMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Not in a PMSA * Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. bbbb This field is blank for workplaces outside the U.S. such as Puerto Rico or a foreign country. 77-116 Wrk_Name Workplace area name and State abbreviation 118-124 Count Number of Workers 16 years old and over in the commuter flow (Right justified; blank filled)