Community Affairs in the Federal Reserve System with an illustration of a typical American community and the rural area beyond it
About the Program
The Federal Reserve System, through its Community Affairs program at the Board of Governors and the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, engages in outreach, educational, and technical assistance activities to help financial institutions, community-based organizations, government entities, and the public understand and address financial services issues affecting low- and moderate- income persons and communities.
More about the program

Featured here are examples of materials developed by the Community Affairs Offices around the System. More information on the programs in the individual Districts is available on the
Reserve Banks' web sites.

Conference Information
Financing Community Development: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future (489 KB PDF)
Call for papers, March 29-30, 2007
Promises and Pitfalls
Community Affairs research conference on consumer finance options, April 7-8, 2005
Papers from the Community Affairs research conference, March 2003

Upcoming Events
Community Reinvestment Act
Bank ratings and strategic plans
Consumer and Economic Development Research and Information Center
Featured Sites
Community Development Investments
Regulatory guidance and resource information on community development investments
Lessons Learned: Community & Economic Development Case Studies
Practices and programs to finance community and economic development
Fiscal Impact Tool
Software for making a quick estimate of the local fiscal impact of economic development activity
Personal Financial Education
Resource materials and tools (on the web site of Federal Reserve Education)
Faith-Based Community Economic Development: Principles & Practices
An introductory guide for those new to, or having limited experience with faith-based community economic development
Bankers Guide to Financial Literacy Resources (526 KB PDF)
A guide to help banks design financial literacy programs that serve their local communities