U.S. Department of Commerce

Quarterly Financial Report

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How the QFR Data are Collected

QFR Data Collection Methodology   PDF [62 Kb]

Topics Include:

  • Sampling Frame -- The target universe population of corporations
  • Sample Selection -- How corporations are selected in the sample
  • Nonresponse -- How data from the sample are adjusted to compensate for sample corporations that do not respond to the survey
  • Estimation -- How data from the sample are used to compute estimated data for the universe
  • Sampling Error -- Measuring the variation in the estimate based on the sample
  • Nonsampling Error -- Variation due to coverage, collection, response, nonresponse, and processing
  • Seasonal Adjustment -- Accounting for seasonal variations

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau   |   Quarterly Financial Report   |   800-272-4250   |  Last Revised: May 31, 2012