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WESTIFIELD, NJ – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) announced today that the Westfield Fire Department received a $33,885 federal security grant.  The department will use the grant funds to update aging fire equipment. Specifically, funds will be used to purchase supply hose and five new intake valves that will allow the department to better respond to emergencies.

“Westfield firefighters work tirelessly day and night to protect the residents of Union County,” Lance said at a news conference in Westfield.  “In a time of scarce federal, state and local funds, it’s important that local fire officials have the resources and tools they need to carry out their important jobs in public safety. Having the right equipment means protecting the public and saving lives.”

Fire Chief Daniel Kelly, Deputy Chief David Kelly, Town Administrator James Gildea and Councilman Sam Della Fera joined Lance in making the announcement.   

Fire officials said replacing aging equipment will help the department be more efficient in responding to emergencies.

“The Town of Westfield is very pleased to receive a FEMA grant in the amount of $33,885 benefiting the Westfield Fire Department.  These types of grants are especially helpful to local governments as they provide needed funding to replace older public safety equipment. Our Fire Department will be purchasing 4,375’ of new 5’ supply hose and 5 new intake valves with the grant funds. I want to thank Chief Kelly and Deputy Chief Kelly for their efforts in seeking and applying for these grant moneys,” said Mayor Andy Skibitsky. 
