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WASHINGTON, D.C.-- House Energy and Commerce Committee member Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) yesterday evening voted in favor of two measures to help address still-too-high gasoline prices.

Specifically, Congressman Leonard Lance voted in favor of two House Energy and Commerce Committee-approved bills:

  • H.R. 4471, the "Gasoline Regulations Act" directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to delay further action on a series of pending new regulations on refineries until policymakers better understand the cumulative effects on transportation fuel prices; and
  • H.R. 4480, the "Strategic Energy Production Act" to ensure that our country replaces any oil drawn down from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) with new American-made energy production of an equal proportion.  

Lance and others argue these bills, if passed by the U.S. Senate and signed into law by President Obama, will lower costs on domestic refineries and increase the amount of American energy resources.

“Action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee will reduce red tape and regulatory burdens and expand American-made energy supplies," said Lance.  "This will inevitably lead to lower prices at the pumps.  These bills will soon be considered by the full House of Representatives and deserve strong, bipartisan support."

For his part the Seventh District lawmaker has voted for several American Energy Initiative bills to address high gas prices and help create jobs.  

These bills would remove government barriers to energy production, stop policies that drive up costs and promote a true “all of the above” energy plan,  including completing the Keystone XL pipeline project.  Yet these measures have languished in the U.S. Senate and failed to receive the support of President Obama. 

“The American people understand that Congress cannot control every factor thataffectsthe price per gallon of gasoline.  But they do expect their representatives in Washington to make every effort to pass common-sense measures to fix the pain at the pump.  My colleagues on the Energy and Commerce Committee and I working hard on this effort.  I call on President Obama and the U.S. Senate to follow our lead," concluded Lance.

