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Lance Says Watchung High School Gold Medal Winner Josh Pauls Inspired Legislation

DUNELLEN, NJ – Today, Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) unveiled bipartisan legislation he has introduced to honor Team U.S.A. for its participation in the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver.  
Lance’s measure, House Resolution 1479,Honoring the Outstanding Athletes of the 2010 Paralympic Games, states that “Paralympic Athletes are the very best at their sports, devote countless hours to training, and receive support from their families, schools and communities.”
During a news conference at The Rock ice rink in Dunellen, Lance praised 17-year-old Watchung High School senior Josh Pauls for his participation in the 2010 Paralympic games.  Pauls won a gold medal for his participation on Team USA’s sled hockey team. The Seventh District Congressman also noted that Pauls served as the inspiration for his congressional measure.     
“I am proud to honor Josh and all of these inspiring athletes because of their unwavering commitment to the Olympic ideals,” Lance said.  “Josh Pauls is a remarkable young man and is a real American hero.   During the Paralympic games and every day of the year, Paralympic athletes, like Josh, demonstrate the great American spirit, courage and achievement.”
Lance’s measure has been endorsed by the United States Olympic Committee.
“Congratulating Team U.S.A. before the United States Congress recognizes the hard work, extensive training, dedication and talents of these fine athletes,” said Desiree Filippone, a representative for the United States Olympic Committee, in their endorsement of the Lance resolution.  “Team U.S.A. brought home a total of 13 medals, including 4 Gold medals from the 2010 Paralympic Winter games.  And we are extremely proud.”
Pauls is the youngest member of the Team U.S.A sled hockey roster.  He is the son of Debbie and Tony Pauls.  Lance said he was hopeful a vote on his measure before the full House would take place later this Fall.
