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Lance Sends Letter To President Outlining Plan On Health Care, Taxes and Debt Reduction

WASHINGTON -- In anticipation of President Obama’s appearance today at the House Republican congressional retreat in Baltimore, Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) sent a letter to the President outlining his plan to strengthen the economy and put people back to work.   
“Following years of runaway spending and record deficits and debt I believe we must immediately begin to work together and make tough and common-sense decisions that will help strengthen our economy and put people back to work,” Lance wrote in his letter to the President.

On the issues of health care, taxes and debt reduction, Lance recommended commonsense solutions.

Concerning health care reform, Lance said,
“Mr. President, Republicans in Congress do have a better approach.  The ‘Medical Rights and Reform Act’ introduced by Rep. Kirk (IL) and me is fiscally responsible legislation that reduces costs and expands insurance coverage without raising taxes, cutting Medicare or putting the government between patient and doctor.  I urge you...to work with Republicans toward passage of the Medical Rights and Reform Act.”

On taxes, Lance called on the president to, “reconsider your call for higher taxes for families making more than $250,000 a year,” saying, “In New Jersey, this policy would have a disastrous effect on our fragile economy.”

And concerning spending and debt, the Seventh District Congressman called on the president to embrace Lance’s fiscally responsible debt reduction package to control runaway federal spending and limit our Nation’s ever-growing debt and deficits.  

“House Republicans are ready to work with you on the economic challenges facing our country.  For the sake of our children’s future, let us begin to get our fiscal house in order,” Lance concluded in the letter.
Click HERE the see the full text of Congressman Lance’s letter President Obama.
