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Lance Statement on President's Keystone Pipeline Decision

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (7th District) released the following statement today regarding the Obama Administration’s decision to not move forward with the Keystone XL oil pipeline:

"The disappointing decision shows, in my opinion, that the Obama Administration is not completely serious about job creation, economic growth and energy independence.  The project would create American jobs and American energy and has the strong support of labor and business alike. 

"Even the President's own Jobs Council said, 'continuing to deliver inexpensive and reliable energy is going to require the United States to optimize all of its natural resources and construct pathways (pipelines, transmission and distribution) to deliver electricity and fuel.'  The President is clearly ignoring his own Jobs Council's recommendation.

 "And, meanwhile, reports have indicated that Canada is in discussions with China to market the energy resources overseas.

 "As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee I will continue to support plans to move forward on the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline."


