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WASHINGTON -- Today Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) joined more than 100 bipartisan lawmakers in sending a letter urging President Obama to keep General Motors and Chrysler from rapidly closing hundreds of auto dealerships nationwide until the carmakers’ plans can be reviewed more closely.

The bipartisan letter cites concerns that some profitable dealerships are among those scheduled to close under the companies’ restructuring plans. It also questions the criteria used to decide which franchises should be revoked and says that thousands of workers could lose their jobs.

“Immediate, forced closure of auto dealerships will not help automakers, and it certainly will not help save jobs and boost our struggling economy,” Lance said. “President Obama needs to intervene and slow the clock down to help save local dealerships and local jobs. Dealerships employ hundreds of people with good-paying jobs. Many family-owned auto dealers are an integral part of our communities.”

Recently, Lance has meet with employees at the Chrysler dealerships Belle Mead Garage’s in Hillsborough and with employees with another affected Chrysler dealer in Woodbridge. During the visits, Lance told employees that he would do all he could to fight the closures, including lobbying for President Obama to intervene on their behalf.

Last month, Lance joined a group of bipartisan lawmakers urging the Administration’s Auto Task Force to reconsider the forced closure of dealerships across the country in favor of a more flexible and transparent process that would allow for market forces to consolidate dealerships.
