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WASHINGTON-- Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) announced Thursday that the House of Representatives gave its final approval of legislation that includes his request for $238,000 to help fund a feasibility study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that would help determine the best course of action to help Cranford meet its flood control needs.

Lance said the Senate is expected to give its final approval for Cranford’s funding later this week and the legislation will then be sent to the President for signature into law.

“Over the years, Cranford residents have seen severe flooding that has devastated their homes, businesses, municipal facilities and public infrastructure,” said Lance. “I recognize this is a long-term project, but it is critical that the Army Corps of Engineers move forward with this study so that the project can move on the next phase. The citizens of Cranford can’t afford to wait for another flood.”

“Cranford citizens are very concerned about how another devastating flood would impact their homes and businesses,” said Cranford Mayor Robinson. “We are working vigorously to make improvements that would help protect the town in the event of another significant flood, like the 2007 Nor’easter. We are grateful to Congressman Lance for recognizing how important this issue is to the town of Cranford and are thankful for his effort to secure federal funds for Army Corp to move forward with our project. We still have a long way to go, but today we are moving closer to our shared long-term goals to protect our citizens.”

According to Army Corps officials, the feasibility study is the first step in long process to determine what kinds flood control measures would be needed to help Cranford with its flood control needs.
The project which was started in 1999 was a direct response to locals concerns regarding flooding in the town. The funding Lance secured would allow the study to proceed without delay. The funds would be used to continue the feasibility phase of the study, including conducting an engineering analysis of the existing dike system, along with economic, hydraulic, and environmental analyses to establish baseline conditions in the Rahway River.
