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Seventh District Lawmaker Says A Nuclear Iran Would Threaten America, Israel, And Other Allies

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) hailed House approval of two measures to increase economic sanctions against Iran. Both measures won House approval Wednesday evening.

Lance said both pieces of legislation are designed to force Iran to end its nuclear weapons pursuits through tough targeted sanctions on Iran and foreign entities who assist Iran, North Korea and Syria in the development of their nuclear weapons programs.

“Iran’s effort to obtain nuclear weapons presents a direct threat to the United States, to our friends and allies and all people of goodwill around the world,” said Lance.  “Previous sanctions and actions by the Obama Administration have been inadequate.  It is my hope that stronger sanctions put forth by the Congress, including sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank and similar actions from our allies, will persuade Tehran to change its course. Our Nation and the world cannot afford to wait any longer.”

 H.R. 1905, the "Iran Threat Reduction Act," strengthens, updates and replaces previous Iran sanctions laws to address vigorously the multiple threats posed by Iran. The bill closes loopholes in energy and financial fields, including tougher sanctions aimed at the Central Bank of Iran. The bill also targets the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and senior Iranian regime officials.  Lance is a cosponsor of the legislation.

H.R. 2105, the "Iran, North Korea & Syria Nonproliferation Reform and Modernization Act" strengthens existing sanctions against nations that provide nuclear weapons and technology to Iran, North Korea or Syria and enacts sanctions on foreign governments that help them acquire destructive weapons.

For his part, Lance has long urged the Obama Administration to halt Iran’s efforts to achieve a nuclear-weapon program by strictly enforcing existing sanctions against Iran.  As a co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, Lance has also emphasized the urgent need to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons because of the immediate threat it would pose to one of America’s strongest allies in the Middle East – Israel.  Lance noted that Iranian President Ahmadinejad has made disturbing comments saying Israel should be “wiped off the map.”

“We must stop Iran from pursuing its nuclear weapons plans for the sake of our citizens and our allies,” said Lance.  “A nuclear Iran would pose an immediate threat to the Israeli people and this must not be allowed to happen.”

