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Seventh District Lawmaker recognized by 60 Plus Association for his commitment to New Jersey's seniors

WASHINGTON – Highlighting his "pro-senior" views and support for fiscally responsible legislative initiatives, the 60 Plus Association awarded Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) with its prestigious “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights” award.

“I am honored to receive 60 Plus’ prestigious award," Lance said.  "I am committed to protecting and preserving Social Security and Medicare now and for the future and restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington.  I believe these issues are not only important to seniors but to all Americans of this generation and the next.”

In an award ceremony in the Nation's Capital, 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin cited Congressman Lance for, "his commitment to look out for America's greatest generation as well as the Congressman's promise to always work to preserve Medicare and Social Security for future retirees, our children and grandchildren.”

Each year, 60 Plus presents Guardian awards to Democrats and Republicans alike based on their "pro-senior" views and legislative initiatives.  According to organization eligibility for the award is based on how lawmakers voted on legislation that would help our nation's Older Americans.

"Seniors are proud to show our gratitude to dedicated lawmakers, like Congressman Leonard Lance, who show compassion towards the elderly by pledging to always protect Medicare, always protect Social Security, and just as importantly, to vote against wasteful spending of our tax dollars, excessive spending that has our government nowborrowing over 40 cents of every dollar it needs to pay its bills. Seniors have to balance their budgets and so should our government,” Martin concluded.