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Lawmaker Delivers 1,990 Page Bill to the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library in Rocky Hill, Says Public Has A Right to Know What’s In Bill Before Expected Friday Vote

ROCKY HILL, NJ – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) today urged his Somerset County constituents to read the new health care reform bill expected to be voted on by the House of Representatives next week.

Lance made it easier for residents to review the legislation by making the 1,990 page measure available at the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library in Rocky Hill as well as at his Flemington and Westfield District offices and online at lance.house.gov.

“Thomas Jefferson said, ‘The best defense of democracy is an informed electorate.’ Soon the House of Representatives will vote on a nearly 2,000 page health reform bill that I believe will raise the cost of health insurance for most New Jersey, kill jobs with new tax increases and new mandates, and cut seniors’ Medicare benefits. As I read the bill to understand its ramifications fully on our current health care system, I am urging all of my constituents to do the same whether via the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library, at my Flemington or Westfield district office or online at lance.house.gov.”

Earlier this week Congressman Lance announced his opposition to the new health care reform measure unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at a Washington, DC press conference.

Lance said, “The latest 1,990 page Democratic health care proposal unveiled today by Speaker Pelosi is a measure that raises taxes and reduces funding for Medicare. This will be harmful to the people of New Jersey. Instead of focusing on fiscally responsible reforms that have bipartisan support, the Democratic Leadership has chosen a path that ignores good ideas from our side of the aisle. I oppose this health care plan and favor a common-sense alternative that protects New Jersey’s taxpayers from an expensive government takeover of a good deal of our health care system.”

This week Lance will join like-minded members of Congress in introducing the “Medical Rights and Reform Act” -- a fiscally responsible alternative health care reform measure that reduces costs and expands insurance coverage without raising taxes, rationing care or putting the government between patient and doctor.

The Lance bill includes medical liability reform, small business insurance pooling and letting families and businesses buy insurance across state lines — ideas that have strong, bipartisan support but are absent from the Democrats’ new reform legislation.

Congressman Lance is expected to provide several other libraries with free copies of the health care bill. Visit lance.house.gov for more information.
