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Lance Applauds House Approval of Legislation To Provide Affordable Energy and Create Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC– House Energy and Commerce Committee member Leonard Lance (NJ-7) today applauded House-passage of H.R. 4348, the "Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012."  The legislation included a key provision from the Energy and Commerce Committee: requiring approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Congressman Lance released the following statement on the bill’s passage:

“The U.S. House today acted in a bipartisan capacity to pass a transportation bill that includes the job-creating, economy-boosting Keystone XL pipeline.  This now marks the fourth time the House has acted to force action on the Keystone XL pipeline that will bring secure energy to America, support the creation of thousands of jobs, and help bring down prices at the pump.

"I believe it's past time for President Obama and the U.S. Senate to join us putting forth an all-of-the-above energy policy that will help lower energy prices for working families and small businesses, create more American jobs and reduce our dependence on sources of foreign oil.”

