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Lance Praises Woodbridge Law Enforcement, School District for School Safety Efforts

WOODBRIDGE, NJ– Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) today announced that the Woodbridge Police Department will receive a $151,405 federal community orientated policing grant for the Woodbridge Township School District. 

The funds, administered from the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Secure Our School’s program, are designed to help local law enforcement and schools with enhanced school safety resources and equipment.  In Woodbridge, the funds would be used to purchase, install and upgrade security systems and locks in schools throughout the Woodbridge Township School District.

“We need to do everything we can to make our children safe at schools,” said Lance at a news conference in Woodbridge Township.  “These important funds will give Woodbridge education and law enforcement professionals extra resources to ensure our kids are safe. I commend the entire Woodbridge school district and police department for being proactive and requesting these funds.”

“We're excited to receive this important grant,” said Woodbridge Police Chief William Trenery.  “This federal grant will help us further protect our children and school property on a 24 hour 7 day a week basis.”   

According to the Secure Our Schools program, grants can be used to provide law enforcement agencies and schools with security enhanced equipment.  For example, communities can use grant funds to purchase metal detectors, locks, lighting, fencing, closed-circuit surveillance systems and other security related equipment.


