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CLARK, NJ – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) and representatives of the Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce held a news conference today in Clark to discuss current economic policies that are hurting New Jersey’s small businesses.

During the event, Lance discussed his support for free-market solutions that will help New Jersey’s economy grow, expand and create jobs.

These include extending Bush-era tax relief that is set to expire at the year’s end, reducing regulatory burdens and repealing and replacing the new health care law with common sense reforms that include small business pooling and medical malpractice reform.

“Higher taxes, unchecked spending, government bailouts and new health care mandates are just a few of the job-killing policies passed by Congress that are putting a strain on local small-and medium-sized businesses like many of those here in Union County,” said Lance after a forum with several Union County small business owners.

Lance was joined by Mr. Jim Coyle, the President of the Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce, and numerous Union County small business representatives.
“Small businesses find themselves in a tough economic climate and are hurting from the failed economic policies coming out of Washington that show some members of Congress just doesn’t get it,” said Coyle.  “Congressman Lance gets it. He has the right ideas to get our economy going again. Leonard knows that New Jersey’s small business owners want to keep more of what they earn to hire workers, buy new equipment and spend less time filling out paperwork created by burdensome federal mandates.  We appreciate him always listening to us, understanding our needs and standing up against policies that hurt New Jersey businesses and standing for smart free-market solutions that will get our economy moving again.”
