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Lance’s transparency reform bill similar to New Jersey State law prohibiting omnibus bills

FLEMINGTON, NJ– Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) today said he was pleased that House Republican leaders have embraced key reform legislation he authored prohibiting the use of “omnibus spending bills.” House Minority Leader John Boehner told reporters last month, that if House Republicans win back the majority as a result of the midterm elections – House Republicans would ban the use of “omnibus” spending bills.

Lance said prohibiting omnibus spending bills would increase transparency and hold lawmakers more accountable.   Omnibus spending bills often result in controversial non-germane legislation combined with must-pass essential legislation into one bill. Last year, Lance voted against a 1,132-page, $410 billion omnibus spending bill that included nine different spending measures bundled together and more than 9,000 earmarks.  Lance said the legislation was fiscally irresponsible and lacked transparency.

Specifically, Lance’s legislation, House Resolution 1023, would change House rules to prohibit the use of omnibus spending bills, making Congress more open and transparent to the American people. 

“I am pleased that House Republican leaders have embraced my common sense reform legislation prohibiting the use of omnibus spending bills,” said Lance.   “The American people deserve a more open and transparent Congress.  It is time Congress stopped attaching highly controversial, non-germane legislation to must pass legislation – like funding for our troops and other essential services.”

Lance introduced his legislation on January 20, 2010 after House Democratic leaders attached a controversial measure to raise the national debt limit to a key funding bill for U.S. troops.   

Lance also noted his legislation is similar to New Jersey State law that prohibits the use of omnibus spending bills. 

Since being sworn into Congress in January 2009, Lance has strongly supported numerous transparency reform measures – including calling for a clean up-or-down vote on legislation to raise the nation’s federal debt limit and backing legislation that would allow the public to have at least 72-hour access to bills before the House votes.

