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ALTERNATIVE PRESS: Lance Discusses Health Care with Berkeley Heights Residents

Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) visited seniors from the Berkeley Heights Senior Center on Tuesday. During the visit with more than 150 seniors, Lance discussed his views and took questions about the President’s proposed health care plan.

"Throughout the summer, I have been listening to the residents of the Seventh Congressional District about the President’s health care plan," said Lance after the Berkeley Heights visit. "Meeting with seniors in Berkeley Heights gave me a great opportunity to learn how my constituents feel about important issues pending before the Congress – especially health care. And it gave me an opportunity to explain my strong reservations about the president’s health care proposal."

Lance held numerous discussions during the month of August with New Jersey residents about the President’s proposed health care plan through a wide range of venues – including telephone town hall meetings, visiting senior centers, civic clubs, holding meetings with health care professionals and meeting with citizens in his district offices in Westfield and Flemington.

For his part, Lance opposes the president’s health reform bill because the Seventh District lawmaker believes it will lead to higher taxes, more debt and less health care coverage for New Jerseyeans. Congressman Lance has said we can improve health care without new taxes, costly mandates or a government takeover of health care.

Lance is a co-author of a fiscally responsible health care alternative that reduces costs, expands access and allows Americans to keep their health care coverage if they choose to do so.

To learn more about Congressman Lance’s position on healthcare reform, visit www.lance.house.gov/healthcare.