Research Units

Research Department
Research Department economists provide current economic analysis and policy advice to Federal Reserve decisionmakers. They also conduct innovative research on a wide range of economic, financial, and behavioral topics that aims to improve the understanding of the U.S. and global economies and to encourage better policy outcomes. In addition, the department is home to two research centers:

  • Consumer Payments Research Center (CPRC)
    The CPRC seeks to contribute to the development of sound and effective public policy regarding payment systems in order to help maximize the welfare of economic participants in the U.S. economy.
  • New England Public Policy Center (NEPPC)
    The NEPPC’s mission is to promote better public policy in New England by conducting and disseminating objective, high-quality research and analysis of strategically identified regional economic and policy issues and, when appropriate, to work with regional and Bank partners to advance identified policy concerns and options.

Risk and Policy Analysis Unit (RPA)
The RPA Unit, housed in the Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Department, conducts research and analysis to support the Federal Reserve System’s supervisory efforts, the System’s development and implementation of regulatory policy, and the System’s formation of monetary policy.


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