U.S. Department of Commerce

Government Employment & Payroll

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You are here: Census.govBusiness & IndustryFederal, State, & Local GovernmentsGovernment Employment & Payroll › Data Function (Item) Codes

Data Function (Item) Codes

000 = Totals for Government  
001 = Airports  
002 = Space Research & Technology (Federal)  
005 = Correction  
006 = National Defense and International Relations (Federal)  
012 = Elementary and Secondary - Instruction  
112 = Elementary and Secondary - Other Total  
014 = Postal Service (Federal)  
016 = Higher Education - Other  
018 = Higher Education - Instructional  
021 = Other Education (State)  
022 = Social Insurance Administration (State)  
023 = Financial Administration  
024 = Firefighters  
124 = Fire - Other  
025 = Judical & Legal  
029 = Other Government Administration  
032 = Health  
040 = Hospitals  
044 = Streets & Highways  
050 = Housing & Community Development (Local)  
052 = Local Libraries  
059 = Natural Resources  
061 = Parks & Recreation  
062 = Police Protection - Officers  
162 = Police-Other  
079 = Welfare  
080 = Sewerage  
081 = Solid Waste Management  
087 = Water Transport & Terminals  
089 = Other & Unallocable  
090 = Liquor Stores (State)  
091 = Water Supply  
092 = Electric Power  
093 = Gas Supply  
094 = Transit  

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Government Employment & Payroll | govs.employ@census.gov |  Last Revised: March 02, 2012