U.S. Census Bureau
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October 2001 Recommendation

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  1. Recommendation and Report of the Executive Steering Committee for A.C.E. Policy (ESCAP II) [PDF]

  2. Reports Supporting the Recommendation (Final Reports)

  3. Executive Steering Committee for A.C.E. Policy (ESCAP II) Meetings

  4. The Executive Steering Committee for A.C.E. Policy (ESCAP) Research Plan Cover Memorandum [PDF]

  5. ESCAP Research Plan to Inform October 2001 Recommendation [PDF]

  6. Subsequent Census Bureau Documentation on the A.C.E.
    1. Revised Preliminary Estimates of Net Undercounts for Seven Race/Ethnicity Groupings, April 4, 2002 [PDF]

  7. National Academy of Sciences Panel to Review the 2000 Census -- Recent Reports
    1. "The 2000 Census: Interim Assessment" (2001), National Academy Press (226pp.) The link above will direct you to the National Academy Press website.

    2. November 26, 2001 letter report to Acting Director Barron regarding the Census Bureau’s decision that unadjusted data from Census 2000 be used for non-redistricting purposes. [PDF]

    3. November 9, 2000 letter report to Director Prewitt regarding the Census Bureau’s plans for evaluating the unadjusted vs. the adjusted Census 2000 data to inform the redistricting data determination. [PDF]

  8. Glossary of Specialized and Technical Terms Used in the ESCAP Report and Supporting Documents [PDF]