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Perspectives on Real Estate

The real estate industry is in a constant state of evolution even during ordinary times. During these extraordinary times of financial uncertainty, the industry is changing faster than ever. This podcast series features experts discussing emerging trends and innovative strategies, and how they are adapting existing strategies to keep up with today's shifting landscape. These interviews aim to increase understanding of the industry.

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No Place like Home? The Future of the Housing Market
April 2012
Dowell Myers, a professor at the University of Southern California, discusses the role of demographic forces on the housing market. Myers expands on remarks he made at the February 2012 Atlanta Fed immigration forum The Great Immigration Turnaround: New Facts and Old Rhetoric.
Play (MP3 11:16)Transcript

Overleveraged? Investigating the Availability of Commercial Real Estate Credit
December 2011
Ann Hambly, president of 1st Service Solutions, discusses today's challenging credit environment. In this podcast, Hambly elaborates on her remarks at the December 2011 Atlanta Fed conference Exploring Impediments to a Real Estate Recovery: A Policy Discussion.
Play (MP3 8:11)Transcript

Is It Worth It? A Closer Look at Borrowers' Negative Equity Positions
December 2011
Mark Fleming, chief economist at CoreLogic, gives us a better sense of negative equity conditions in the U.S. housing market. Fleming expands on remarks he gave at the December 2011 Atlanta Fed conference Exploring Impediments to a Real Estate Recovery: A Policy Discussion.
Play (MP3 7:56)Transcript

Risky Business: Exploring the Role of Reinsurance in U.S. Property Markets
December 2011
Bradley Kading, president and executive director of the Bermuda Association of Insurers and Reinsurers, discusses risk in the home insurance market and the rising cost of property insurance. This podcast elaborates on Kading's remarks at the December 2011 Atlanta Fed conference Exploring Impediments to a Real Estate Recovery: A Policy Discussion.
Play (MP3 6:37)Transcript

Buying into Rental?: Tracking the Multifamily Real Estate Market
September 2011
Axiometrics president Ron Johnsey discusses the current state of the multifamily real estate market. He outlines trends, challenges, and opportunities facing the apartment sector.
Play (MP3 10:11)Transcript

Taking Chances: Managing Risk in the Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Market
June 2011
Sally Gordon, managing director at BlackRock Inc., discusses the role that the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) market plays as a supplier of financing to the commercial real estate market, how that market has been affected by the financial crisis, and what to expect going forward from commercial real estate finance.
Play (MP3 9:37)Transcript

Green Potential: Moving Sustainable Development Forward through Finance
May 2011
Scott Muldavin, executive director of the Green Building Finance Consortium, discusses valuation and underwriting of green real estate development. This podcast recaps the highlights of Muldavin's closing keynote speech at the March 2011 conference, Strengthening the Green Foundation: Research and Policy Directions for Development and Finance, hosted by the Atlanta Fed and Tulane University.
Play (MP3 10:57)Transcript

Does Green Make Sense? Exploring the Unanswered Questions of Green Finance and Development
April 2011
Raphael Bostic, assistant secretary of policy development and research at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, discusses energy-efficient housing and the role of public and private sector finance. This podcast recaps the highlights of Assistant Secretary Bostic's opening keynote speech at a March 2011 conference called Strengthening the Green Foundation: Research and Policy Directions for Development and Finance hosted by the Atlanta Fed and Tulane University.
Play (MP3 9:43)Transcript

Assessing Investment Risk: Investors Show an Appetite for Commercial Real Estate
February 2011
One way to gauge the health of an industry is to look at its investment activity. Ken McIntyre, managing director and head of strategic initiatives at MetLife Inc., provides such a view. In addition to its insurance operations, MetLife is one of the leading investing operations in commercial real estate. McIntyre discusses the current risk appetite of investors and offers his perspective of a broader market recovery.
Play (MP3 7:50)Transcript

Atlanta's Mixed Income Communities: Planning with the End in Mind
January 2011
Creating affordable and safe housing options across a broad range of income levels has been a vexing problem for communities large and small. Atlanta has led the way in developing a viable solution, becoming the first city to demolish its entire stock of public housing as it transitioned to a model of mixed-income communities. In this podcast, Renée Glover, president and CEO of the Atlanta Housing Authority, discusses her approach to subsidized housing, how the economic downturn has affected this model, and what changes she sees on the horizon.
Play (MP3 8:40)Transcript

A Taxing Situation: Exploring the Relationship between Home Values and Local Tax Revenues
January 2011
In many places, local government tax revenues have declined because of the economic downturn. Will Doerner of Florida State University discusses his findings on the relationship between housing price fluctuations and tax revenues in Florida. He also explores the responses of local officials and highlights one unintended consequence of a local government policy.
Play (MP3 8:40)Transcript