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Payments Spotlight

The Payments Spotlight podcast series is a product of the Atlanta Fed's Retail Payments Risk Forum and features interviews and commentaries on emerging risk issues in retail payments.

Podcasts are free to use but are subject to our legal notices.

How Risky? The Elements of Managing Retail Payments Risk
December 2011
In this new podcast from the Payments Spotlight series, Atlanta Fed senior bank examiner Tony DaSilva shares recommendations for banks implementing retail payments risk management programs. A former banker, DaSilva can offer two perspectives: that of the supervisor and that of the supervised institution.
Play (MP3 5:15)Transcript

The Future of Mobile Payments
November 2011
Mobile payments have really taken off in Asian and African countries, but the United States has been slow to adopt this channel. An industry expert talks about why he thinks the United States will continue to lag, in a new Payments Spotlight podcast.
Play (MP3 10:22)Transcript

Beyond the Password: New Developments in Cyberspace Security
September 2011
Remember this? One dog says to another, "The great thing about the Internet is no one knows you're a dog." Online dog attacks are unlikely, but other online attacks threaten your personal information. The latest Payment Spotlights podcast features online security.
Play (MP3 8:09)Transcript

Data Breaches and Risk Management in Emerging Payments
June 2011
Companies gather a great deal of personal data about people, information that can be vulnerable to theft. Will Roberds, research economist and senior policy adviser at the Atlanta Fed, discusses data breaches and risk management in emerging payments and the concomitant risk of identity theft.
Play (MP3 8:11)Transcript

Mobile Payments Security
May 2011
Mobile banking and payments is still an emerging industry, so the industry has yet to adopt common security standards. Soren Bested, managing director of Monitise Americas, discusses the need for such standards and stresses the importance of collaboration in developing them.
Play (MP3 15:54)Transcript

Corporate Account Takeover: A Bank's Perspective
January 2011
Tina Giorgio, senior vice president of operations at Sandy Spring Bank in Maryland and board member of NACHA and the Mid-Atlantic Automated Clearinghouse, discusses safeguards and sound business practices that institutions can implement to safeguard against cyberattacks.
Play (MP3 7:23)Transcript

Fraud and Risk in the ACH Network
July 2010
Jane Larimer, executive vice president of ACH network administration and general counsel for NACHA, the Electronic Payments Association, discusses fraud and risk in the ACH network.
Play (MP3 15:07)Transcript

Payments Fraud and the Economic Downturn
May 2010
Shirley Inscoe, director of financial services solutions at Memento Inc., discusses how economically turbulent times have given rise to increased incidence of payments fraud.
Play (MP3 8:23)Transcript

Mobile Payments and Banking
April 2010
Mark Budnitz, a professor in Georgia State University's college of law, discusses the challenges and opportunities that mobile payments hold for banking.
Play (MP3 15:26)Transcript

Mitigating Automated Clearinghouse Fraud and Risk
November 2009
Mary Gilmeister, president of the Wisconsin ACH Association, discusses mitigation of payment fraud and risk in the automated clearinghouse and emerging technologies.
Play (MP3 7:58)Transcript

Payments Innovation and Risk
August 2009
Woody Tyner, payment strategist at BB&T Corporation and an adviser to the Atlanta Fed's Retail Payments Risk Forum, discusses payments innovation and risk and balancing innovation with risk mitigation.
Play (MP3 13:54)Transcript